Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Last day of the year

HAPPY NIU YEAR SOON! Okay I am here to do my new year wishes and cross out previous's year. I think I will strike out quite less. Let me see..

1. Study Hard

OH I sure did, at least i got As right. Don't talk about FA2.

2. Gain weight

Yeah I think i gained 2kg.

3. Save money lah.. always broke.

Aiya still broke.

4. Happy.

Stupid wish, but i am happy anyway hahahaha

5.Remain in contact with all my sec sch friends!

Ehhhh, hmm since i mentioned ALL, i don't think i did it. sian i meant the closer ones. but drift a bit from them due to different schools/classes and all, but i think still okay. but i still hope to be in contact.

6.I dunno.. more girlish ar? I am boyish har?


7.Time crisis stage 3 with 1 token please.

SO NOT done, my attention span is now on crisis 4 liao.

8.Don't get stressed easily.


9.Er.. have a temper?

I dun really know, can this one don't count?

10. Actually want to try new stuff

Errrr maybe? I sucked helium in my mouth and spoke so i guess it's new.

11. Be seventeennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn xD (okay i will be)

Yeah duh

12.Go overseas!


13.New stuff!

i mentioned it alr what!

14. Not so 'muddle-headed' as sometimes will. I mean everyone will right.


15. Seriously, sleep lesser. Do not oversleep.



I am neat :D

17. lesser last minute issues.


18. no quarrels whatsoever!

oh no.i think i have more of that this year

I think the above took alot of space right, now to post my new year wishessss
1. Remain contact with friends
2.score well for accting $$
4. something to do with fingernail
6. someone save my laptop
7. new phone
8. get into finance major? (prolly will change my mind but it seems more fun)
9. no last minute issues
10. grow up (more mature even though i alr am)

OKAY, quite lame the wishes right. when i get home i am SO SO SO going to read twilight and new moon and all. no school tomorrow so i am one happy girl. i shall blog more next year :D

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

New Year Wishes

What an interesting day in school!
School's been adventurous lately, i am always doing random things.

I woke up feeling horrible due to stomach discomfort. I rushed to OB cos i was late and i immediately slapped my face onto the desk and that continued for like 2 hours, until lesson was over. Luckily Timothy Ang never see me i was at the back row. OH and Lilin brought CHOCS from vegas! it was nice man especially the peanut ones why is it not available in Singapore!?

OH did i mention both chip and hassay was absent? i spent the rest of the day falling in love with aisha and lilin.

Anyway i was much more alert for the next lecture afterwards, which was good but i know zilch about the lecture.

2 hours break, headed to free access lab for doing econs. i was just surfing the net bcos i need to print only. wajong-ed with lingle and steph and i keep losing cos i dun have my flower even though the cards were right. irritating and i dun want to pong all my cards cos very mafan. keep walking to and fro from each room cos the printer sucksssss

econs was a breeze, attended like 30 min of yamashita's class and left? went to lab to help aisha and i ended up reading twilight online. didn't really remember much of the content so i re-read it again. i was so tired by the 8th chapter i was DOZING OFF with so many ppl in the lab and i almost fell off my chair!

met sunny and his friends were there waiting lol i am so big card. lmao joking,

oh and lilin kept singing london choco roll~ haha like the rest of my family man okay i admit it is catchy HAHAH

okay tomorrow's 31st dec 2008, last day of new year, not really very in the new year mood thing because it happens every year, doesn't feel much of a big deal to me leh leh leh leh leh...

i shall make new year resolutions tomorrow!

scratch that. i'll call it NEW YEAR WISHES because less than half of the items of my list are crossed out by the end of the year anyway.


oh i played cluedo just now and i lost cos i wasn't ready to be distracted from blogging by that game. ant shit ass professor plum is ALWAYS the murderer what is with that? who picked the cards anyway? shit it is liwen the chou queen.

okay i should log off, my sis wanna use the com, so sad :(

Sunday, December 28, 2008


I prolly should catch some sleep soon because well, school starts tomorrow.
Aww man.
Anyway i can't get to sleep because i took a late nap and woke up at 8.30pm.


Okay, first day of school after hols tomorrow and what am i gonna do?
imma go chiong my FA2 homework alone in the library.
sad right? i sound like a LONER! hahaha but seriously i think i will focus more if i do it in school rather than at home.

FA project is finally completed! At least i think so. means there are fewer!

okay i am going to pack my bag.

OH did i tell you i went shopping with my family today! so annoying when you want something but something always crops up and in the end you cannot have it! i rather not shop at all, now i wanna buy but i can't :( oh and i woke up so early today.

i don't think i have been getting enough sleep the past holidays anyway. what's with the painting and mini renovation and all. oh i think Taju is the best worker ever he is so concerned about us and he is nice!

yes i am yawning. okay i am gonna pack my bag, slack a while and try my luck :D

Saturday, December 27, 2008


Currently patiently waiting for somebody to wake up.

Okay i am bored. i am going to get something to eat i am starving man!


Just trashed both my sisters during a game of Cluedo. I am good, I AM GOOD!

Currently attempting to send pictures from phone to computer but apparently it is not working well. Man i am eager to show you the pictures! &Candy send me the photos asap please :D

I am full and happy. I did alot of work today!

After project met the girls and went to von house! she let us try her family recipe food and i CANNOT believe it. I gave my family they all to eat and they come up with funny answers like muah chee the thing and eggplant. EGGPLANT! My maid keep insisting! The rest don't bother and keep eating and eating! Oh and they are dissing the way i eat my curry with bread! they just make me wanna laugh! you all TRY IT! REALLY! and weishan is funny with her shoes and all!

LOL and i told von the wrong thing and misled her into thinking i am going hougang cc instead of punggol cc! in the end i took 72 and well, ended up there. HAHAHA i swear my back was turning hot when i was looking at the window. I was like "why am i here? this block number is a single digit". Apparently i found my way back but it was too late for yoga haha so i went hou gang mall. is HOU GANG. HAAHAHAHA my sis came up with it anyway and bought a prezzie. LOL i swear i was like secretly laughing to myself on the way to hou gang mall it is so funny! it is painful to actually laugh secretly lol i think i might have looked constipated. kidding. anyway it's better than the wrong-bus-end-up-in-yishun episode right.

restarting my phone now to se if the bluetooth thing can work. my phone is going BONKERS i tell you.

sunny is lame. copy my msn nick and all to confuse people.

ANDDDDDDDDDDDDD restarting the phone works! i shall post photos!

Aisha baked those muffins for us durin project work today! i was starving! she is my SAVIOUR! see got heart shape can eat.

LOL this year's log cake.

sis: doesn't this log cake look the same as last year?
mum: all log cakes look the same.

Candy's prezzie for moi! it is so nice my sis kept pestering me for it!

See the dogs so funny!

Bobby and Happy (Apparently woken up)


Happy and bobby.

SEE THEIR EYE SO BIG LOOK AT ME! Realistic dogs, tsk. only got food then will come to me otherwise ignore me!

oh bobby look so man right you see! got a cute side of him lemme show you

CUTE OR TICO? HAHAHA okay it's cute :D

okay since 27th now, happy belated boxing day everybody :D


Thursday, December 25, 2008


When the clock strikes twelve, what was i doing?
-.- I am doing my homework. Today is seriously weird.

Fatigued the whole day during outing with girls + eric.
reached home about 7+? I was quite tired and prolly siann-ed and dragged my way home.

shit i am hungry. hopefully i can update with photos tomorrow.

if you reading my blog, don't forget about CDS dude :D

oh hassay called when i was homework-ing to ask when school reopens LOL she says she can't sleep until she figures it out LOL damn comical i swear silly man!


Tuesday, December 23, 2008


I wrapped it with pure stapler and glue!
zzzomg i am so proud of it man, :D

shit i forgot what i wanted to blog about.
anyway, xmas fever man! oh and noob project/homework flu.
shall sleep in 1800 seconds.

oh shall blog later, alot of thinking to do :D

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Laura's Happy Adventure

Heard of the PC game Laura's Happy Adventure?
I used to like REALLY love this game when i was young! Lol so i decided to google it see if i an download anot. Okay the game sounds cheesy but it is like 3D then u navigate characters! the com used to hang on me and i am always stuck in the milkman level thing. anyway i wanted to download it but i can't LOL. operating platform is windows 95 and 98 and ME. What is ME anyway??????? SO XP and vista cannot play. walao.

okay i sound so lame. no credit to CSA

PS: I loaded the von's bday entry! Scroll down y'all!

Saturday, December 20, 2008


No candy I am not closing this blog you funny girl! Give me credit for updating the past few days consecutively ma ma ma ma.

Anyway, i tried to upload photos during von's birthday. But blogger keeps showing me errors. Anyway, i just managed to successfully load the 2nd batch of photos but the 3rd keeps showing errors! Grrrrrrr I shall be patient. Maybe it can only load one batch per day HAHAHA see this is what you get for not making the pictures into a collage and post. SO SO SO troublesome uploading.

Anyway, all my dogs are groomed today! So ready for new year, the dogs.

Okay blog soon, hopefully von's bday post would be up soon.

PS: I edited the previous post

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Yvonne's Birthday!

Finally at home, settled and all. Now i can start my truckload of photos again - Part 2, Von's birthday celebration!

(This is the 3rd day i tried loading the pictures it better work dammit!)

Met up with the people at her house downstairs and went up to spring her a suprise. we had steamboat and took alot of photos and even a video! But i don't have it :D everybody helped to prepare the food!

Yvonne and her cake!

Her present from all of us! :D

Haha happy birthday! (okay i updated late)

Group photo! Her sis took the picture.

She and her cake! Ice cream cake!
Steamboat photos..

Both of them ate pizza because vegetarian.

LOOK at the amount of food! I think some of them wentfor 2nd round?
AFTER that..

haha they had difficulty pushing the tables back and it was a funny sight to behold.
eric.. smiling.

Taking photos! Candy & WS

Playing card games!

Reading newspaper. There were loads of interesting articles that day!
GOD i finally upload the photos!!!! Uploading had never been so hard man!
I am watching MTV BET awards now. Is it for blacks only? ALL blacks and no sight of others.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Candy Candy & Candy.

I was browsing through my blogger's dashboard i woah woah woah, i have a total of 23 FREAKING blogs! Haha it is just a whole load of junk due to me and my sisters' lazy and bo liao creations.

Watching hot shot just now and i completed the show! ending part is like so much nicer and i am currently at candy's house eating alot of junk food. which is nice.

Candy : stupid bobo that dont wanna put photos. KNS!!

Okay i shall upload photos. Way overdue but here they are - photos of cherelle's birthday

We met up, had lunch and singing @ KBOX! so damn full i tell you, bery full. and the singing was okay lor. i had flu that day so the voice actually, ewww. I have no idea why the food was so much with free refills and all but we paid lesser than normal?? Oh and Eric gave cherelle a surpise by bringing in the cake! I was fooled also i swear!

Went dinner at the coffee shop for zhicha. It was nice and we were full!
lol i was doing the nose magic thing, look like i digging my nose right HAHA so gross.

And.. we got someone to take a photo! End of day!
Hope you liked the watch :D

OH credits to candy for the photos, consolidating is like so much easier to upload i swear.
PS: MIMI's hair looks like Paul Twohill

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I hate to say this, and I don't think people might agree with me,
but Twilight SUCKS, the movie sucks okay! I only remember fragments of the story and i think the book is like so much better. It's so bored! Not much climax in the story plot, only one and it lasted for like 10 minutes? Sigh. Even Sunny never read the book before agrees with me. Candy you read the book first.

Lol people are reading this are still gonna see Twilight anyway. I know it! But maybe they are less critical. But really!!!

But you know, if New Moon comes out, I am STILL gonna see it! Pretty ironic huh.

I should have watched Nick&Norah's. Urgh regret!

PS: Get well soon noob

New Skin.

Don't -.- at this new song, I just didn't know what song toput even though i am quite sick of it. The MV is nice ya know!! OH and i am hooked on David Archuletta?'s songs now. God I do not know how to spell his last name.

New skin :D

PS: arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr god i hate this.. thing.

Sunday, December 14, 2008


Shit this is the second time i am typing this. anyway, i was browsing through GV's web today and narrowed to a few choices

-Beverly Hills Chihuahua
-Nick and Norah's infinite Playlist
-Yes Man

so, tell me peepo peepo peepo lai lai lai!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D

Auntie Anne/ Uncle Jack

freeeeeeeeee says:
u know i want to eat auntie anne
freeeeeeeeee says:
Sunny says:
i want eat uncle jack
freeeeeeeeee says:

LOL this is funny man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOI uncle jack you sell what??

okay i am bored but this is seriously funny i am going to bobble now. i mean play puzzle bobble. bobble sounds like some wobbling kuey.

New Skin!

New blogskin! Today was so darn busy we bought like a WHOLE trolley full of ikea stuff MINUS furniture i think we are going there next week. After that still go courts buy television. and my grandfather's clock repaired! now it just chimes after one hour (depends on the time) and once every half hour! there is also this key to wind it up! hahaha but it's quite small lah haha but i love the clock! oh there it goes again. woo it is 2am!

i going shopping with my mother later i think because she has been asking me to take her out. i guess i am the only one with patience? plus CNY is coming next month!

we bought 6 BIG BIG BEER GLASSES and we are using it to drink normal water to motivate us to drink more PLUS we have noticeboard and we are going to do pockets and label our name so my mother can just put money inside every school days! hahahaha!

oh and i fixed the stool with my sis with a spanner and screwdriver leh!

okay i am bored happy is sleeping on new dog bed and bobby has problems shitting. sad thing is i think all my channels all gone already where ar?

okay i need songs cmon songs CMON SONGS!! HAS send me sway sway sway leh! i dunno what songs to put on my blog but i LOVE beyonce's if i were a boy MTV!!!!

Haaaaaaaaaaa Sasha Fierce *growl* LOL

okay i am crapping i am going to sleep tomorrow i will be awaken early in the morning by the drilling noises of the walls. T.T

oh ya the book rocks man thanks chip it is so nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but i gotta return the books durin holidays if not it will expire! oh and msg me if doing project! T.T


PS: Sun's Salutation is so damn difficult to remember but it is fun!

Saturday, December 13, 2008


Strike ALL out, and EXAMS are over!

Not really feeling relieved tho, i think the worst is yet to come.
2 weeks holiday are just gonna be covered with work, projects.

oh ya, going to yvonne house eat soon LOL i dunno when!?!? but i was quite happy leh!!

ζˆ‘ says:
you no heart wan arhx
want to die says:
want to die says:
want to die says:
ζˆ‘ says:
we neevr date you you wont date us de
want to die says:
want to die says:
exam period ma
want to die says:
now overrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
ζˆ‘ says:
don jia arhx
ζˆ‘ says:
i don trust you
ζˆ‘ says:

LOL! but i guess it's true leh. either is i really never notice much before or i just seem to take it for granted for quite a bit.

so i am going to organise during this 2 weeks! can weekends do? cos i know everyone has like 3 projects and more and it sucks. i will plan okay!!! as long as i finish my psychology quiz later :D

not really hanging out with my sec school friends especially this weekend and it makes me feel a bit out of place here and there. hmm, how to say.. feels weird.

i had a dream about frogs escaping! hahha so funny i saved jojo from dying in the dream. literally.

oh the house it painting and fixing stuff up so it's always in the mess in the day so i spent the whole exam week mugging alone in the library except for the last 2 days. the house is having a sorta mini house renovation and they are fixing up the grandfather's clock!

i mean really, my grandfather's clock. with the key used to wind the clock for something. and i have ALL the scv channels so candy they all no need say i don't have channel 56 = no scv at all! and i have 2 telephone lines? what is up with my father. something like free line no charges.

and i will be going IKEA tomorrow because my parents wanna see and buy new furniture i guess.

i think i owe this blog quite a lot of pictueres but next time please please! i am going to finish the paranormal book thing after my quizzzzzz

Thursday, December 11, 2008

im not money

oh no, i don't need this right now.

Saturday, December 06, 2008


Spent the whole of today studying.

MBS sucks like the whole world of vases and statues.

i have NO IDEA what it's talking about, and it is just like chunks and CHUNKS of chapters with NOTHING linked in between. I have no idea what i am even studying like seriously. The notes sucks because there is like no link, the IDIOT textbook sucks more because it is so naggy like a lao ah ma and it has 3/4 NONSENSE per page. I think i will just forget everything i've remembered and this %^#$@ is giving me shit ass headache.

stupid. subject. waste. my. time.

it's like csa oh yeah, but TWICE the pain and THRICE the torture and many more whatsoever! i just don't even get it why i even have to take this subject

okay off to study. LOL
oh painting today. Taju very funny ahahahahahha!
Festive season - XMAS! Log cake.. :D i think log cake tastes better than those normal cakes leh.

Thursday, December 04, 2008


Sometimes i wish to have this invisible photographer with me to capture happy moments of my life.

It would be great, wouldn't it.

oh shitzxzxzxzxi wish i wish i wish i wish tomorrow's free access lab 10 right side second row 1st computer's cd is inside so i can retrieve it! i am so sorry for my irresponsibility my dear weishan and i promise to get it back!!



1.10am now..
really tired and i was thinking of skipping tomorrow's MBS lecture.
but went vbus and tomorrow REALLY is revision lecture!
Lame.. i guess i have no choice but to go already.

so tired. so tired. grrr exams.
still have like wth 6 projects to complete during mid term break!

okay i shall go to bed. six hours to sleep.
argh seriously not enough man i bet i'll get cranky tomorrow!

Monday, December 01, 2008


gonna be double digit soon woweeee!!!
anyway, im bringing in another happy news as well;FINALLY THERE IS 4A CHALET COMING UP AT 9th JAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so excited and happy and everything else in the world!
Thanks junming and bryan and other guys for organising!!

but i dunno i can stay anot ..


prolly crazy after studying.

i am so busy! i am going to attend school, meet up with cherelle fiona joshua during one hour of my lunchbreak for proj, another hour i am going to buy my psycho book plus ask nad&guys some questions abour FA, after school which ends at 7 FREAKING PM i have to get home and study 4 chapters and i have to return nad's book on thur and ws's on friday and i forgot to tell lilin about COGS thing so include that as well LOL i am so freaking busy!!!! on top of that i cannot spend too much cos i gotta buy my stationary. i need a breakkkkkkkkkkkkk.

ok i did. today. played psp -.-

anyway toodles.

