Thursday, April 30, 2009

"Photoshoot" Photos :D


Calculus tutorial today :D I must say, turns out im not the only one that forgot my basics! Shumei and the guy beside me also quite muddle-headed! Shumei do until she tired already.. she is really friendly!!!!!

I was texting candy for help! she msg "one point one gradient" HAHA MDM YAP!

y=mx+c how to find the c? I got 2 pairs of coordinates and that also means i found m already. so anyone can tell me? gotta read mdm yap notes after i go dig it out..

Cabbed home with sunny and his friends today.. always feel very shy around his friends so i listened more instead of talking HAHA after which chatted and did a lot of rubbish things like doodling for 4 hours? HAHAA

Anyway, dog pictos :D


Tongue sticking out wahahaha

Look at her! Hahaha she so cute

Jumpy jumpy check out her ears

Running shots. Do you know how much i had to run to get those pics?

One of my fav :D

Yeah run~ Blur but im just loading pictures i like for goodness sake.


See her tongue?

Tilting her head cos she is curious!

Where are your eyes happy dear?

happy and her happy scarf thing.. i told mum that happy can wear this scarf be her line dancing partner liao

Believe it, the photos above are still a fraction of what i received.

Haha basically all those photos are ones i like VERY MUCH!! so eh it might not seem nice to some of you so just keep your comments to yourself la hor i like it can already.

Argh happy damn vainpot i know she secretly like to take photos cos she just lie down there let us take and she changes her angles like every 2 minutes!! took lesser shots of happy because before we knew it, the sky was getting darker

Took some fun shots of bobby and jojo and happy again also weeks ago? i forgot when.. will upload it when i receive it

It was fun fun fun fun fun! I was perspiring but damn fun :D
okay off to sleep :D

PS: Why i see my post photos so less one, i remembered to be much more.. i have like 200+ photos and these are the ones i like a lot and not lazy to post it up.



Wednesday, April 29, 2009

School.. so far.

I realise I've been surfing net lately and the last blog I'll read is mine.
How weird is that?!

I've got tutorials piling up already, luckily friday is labour day :D
Gotta do my Calculus tutorial laterrrrrrrrrrr.

Anyway yesterday was the ping pong show last episode, and it was downright horrible. It's like no ending and they didn't account what happened to the characters in the end!!!! HORRIBLE!!!!

Neh mind today got American Idol say WOOHOO to nice shows :D

Okay Imma dash till 730 and chiong tutorialssss.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Third Day!

Ahh swayest DAY EVER.

I have Calculus Tutorial for the day only - 4pm to 6pm.
Soo.. woke up early to do PCA..

ANYWAY. Cheeming wanted to buy book from me so I LUNGED IT TO SCHOOL! Hhaha keep bargaining and bargaining. Eek end up never buy! I totally sian diao totally felt like KILLING HIM *&%#$@$%^&*( I somemore erase some of my pencil marks away lor. Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Okay nevermind not angry.

ANWAY, i waited outside 4-02, with chai huat cos i saw him and we ended up talking (Great catching up) and saw nomerishah, i waited for like 30 minutes and only 2 other peeps were waiting with me. I was like WTH did we wait wrong classroom or what cannot be only 3 peeps! I cannot look for my class what since i dont even know who are my classmates and tutor. In the end i looked at the wrong row. Ahhhhhh so embarrassing. We went in and before i settled my butt into the chair, *RIIINGGGGG* classic stupid fire alarm and i had to walked all the way to the basketball court thing, may i repeat, LUNG the BOOK, sweatiest moment ever! Hahaha but we got dismissed after that so yay!

I am not angry la, just today is swayyyyyyyy.

3 good things that came out today:

I made 2 or 1 new friend.. one is called Shu Mei she is very friendly and we both convinced the tutor we can go back!

Did some fantabulous catching up with candy and yes her french teacher is hao xiao!

Catched up with chai huat and saw nomerisha! (Pri school friends!)


Damn kirkwood.

PS: Thanks chip for prezzie :D

"Photoshoot" II

Basic Calculus looked incredibly easy. First Lesson - Indices and SIMULTANEOUS EQUATIONS! Sec one work.. weishan and i had some careless and we were making up excuses like "oh i never wake up" and "shit i deserve to die" or something. I was boredd and kinda regretted coming. Good thing - Attendance! PLUS, no need to do homework also can :D

Class ended at 10am so after staying back in school to do a bit of PCA, headed home early to catch some sleep. Met sunny around evening because he needed to do his module work and needed to take photos of my dogs for posters. Hahaha so another "shoot" AGAIN! :D:D:D

It was fun, i mean we kinda change places and all and luckily i brought newspaper so can sit in grass. Wanted to take photos at the playground but got children.. Kept running around and around and around but it was fun :D Quite a sense of accomplishment cos i helped a bit and made some tyco shots. I hope I helped!

Except bobby tho, his fur quite short so still look a bit dry and skinny. But well Bobby is handsome to me i shall make it up to him by giving him treats.

Sneak Peek:

Yeah Jojo, after cropping.

argh so busy! Tutorials killing me already. CDS tomorrow, hope my classmates are friendly.

Waking up early tomorrow to do PCA Tutorial. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

First Day

First Day of school today.

I slept late the night before, but i was still SO excited to kick start the year, I woke up at 7am to bath and head to school 7AM! In case you don't know sometimes i wake up at 7.45 or 7.30 NORMALLY. I hope this doesn't die off even though i think it will. I actually love mornings, air so fresh and all. I think Im anything except an afternoon person. It's scorching hot sometimes, and i always feel so sleepy and restless after lunch.

Okay enough digressing.

I FINALLY SAW MY POLY FRIENDS! Damn happy! I had to wait for Lingle at bus stop today. Hhaha she never change still a bit cuckoo. Hassay really got dark, and she slimmed down! DB's really doing good for you :D Chip she still as siao as usual. And I AM SO NOT CHEENAMINAH!! Omg that looks like a bad word. And Aisha's shoes matchy matchy with her clothes! And she mouthed the word 'Mafan' at me across the lecture LOL Lilin totally knew what she said! Awww seriously gonna miss them having same class as me!

Quite fun spotting freshies in school LOL. Anyway...

This year's lesson was much, MUCH more focused on Accounting & Finance. Seriously. I have 3 Accounting Subjects, 1 Finance and 1 Law (Boring!), and CDS.

PCA tutorials people having next week, me.. this friday. SIAN

Pretty much means the modules for this year is.. boring. I miss econs. Eeeyer sound like a nerd but econs was really fun.

Finally got a glimpse of my new classmates today. I was sooo lucky Lilin's with me. If not Im really gonna be the 'Jiahao' in my class. All in all, 7 hours of lecture today. Tuesday - NOT MY DAY.

Andddddddd, Basic Calculus Lecture 9 to 10am tomorrow. Thats the ONLY thing i have to attend. Eeeeeeeek.

On a totally random note, i totally got the hidden meaning thingy behind Britney Spears's song "If You Seek Amy". I totally didn't think that way before. No wonder it was like, semi-banned in some country?? Hassay you are really well informed!

And i used to think Douche was spelt as Doosh. HAHAHAHA LW is laughing!


Heh, thinking of it makes me laugh!

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Im finally back from my long long unannounced hiatus! Have been kinda busy i guess? hahaha i quit my work earlier than i expected, so i had the rest of time time to myself to play and slack and have fun!

I wanted to blog but i was playing wedding dash dinning dashes s s s so i was really damn addicted to it so blogging wasn't a priority then. haha but as i go out with friends and all i felt the need to blog them out hahaha :D

first up.. ICESKATING

okay i am damn late. met up with yixuan ws candy von! finally we were able we meet yixuan! headed to kallang for iceskating it was damn fun but i was damn cautious. everyone was concentrating hard not falling haha and von keep sneaking up behind us.

Group photo! the person who took the photo for us is damn slow... damn hao xiao

They ate at Yoguru.. not me.

Went to candy's house for dinner, we were STARVING! candy's house were full of her relatives! i haven't had that for a long time. then we had girls talk. REALLY GIRLS TALK i remembered that i was so happy during that talk. we found out more about each other, poured out stuff more to each other, and i was happy to be trusted and to trust people. ahaha i really like to have it again.

left at midnight.

Love this funky photo!


hung out at candy's house first! i read Princess Diaries book 9 i think, i am at page 212! (before i forget) went to hougang point to meet von and jim but we kinda lost our way cos we keh kiang alighted after the intended stop. after that went to von house and watched tv together!!! haha loved the night. i saw kopi for the first time though, and he wasn't that naughty.. yet. i guess i haven't see the mischevious side of him. hahaha von's father was complaining out loud about one of the contestants it was quite funny!! went home late.. :D

He is so puny!! He is at yvonne's back!

cute right? i keep having the urge to carry him.. can't carry him like that to all my other dogs.

met up with cherelle last minute after receiving her call, haven't met her since the holidays! chatted a while and left home.. needed to mug for my exams! HOWEVER, i went out with my sis to tamp 1 again cos she needed to buy a gift for her friend.. got it at uniqlo. dined at ikea and bought this unique ice-maker template thing haha :D

Anyway i got my PDL! and i passed my BTT! whew whew whew!! :D i was so happy when the screen popped out the words "PASSED", i applied for the FTT and the person damn good help us book all the morning e-trials! :D 3 man!i saw tedric cheeming eugene, they were accompanying cheeming. anyway i wanted to start booking for practice lessons soon.
School reopening next monday, i got into 2A04, same class with lilin! good thing :D but not with my other poly girls tho! i was really hoping..\

BTW TP SYSTEM REALLY HATES ME i cannot log in till now okay! wth..

weishan just told me there is no school on monday and thurs, YAY :D not really looking forward to school, it just means back to my busy poly life again, and the holidays aren't enough for me..

i shall blog BBQ pics and ytd's photo if i received it. wow this 2 month holiday is one i would never forget.. good times and bad times

wanted to blog about many things, but when i face the screen my brain just turned.. blank?

PS: I lost the "slide-the-furthest-tracklist" game to sunny so DAMN YOU MANDY DAMN YOU

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Hi, my name is Hui Yin and i have the worst time management ever.

PS: blog later.. like tomorrow night later or sat later.

Thursday, April 09, 2009


I woke up with many thoughts filling up my mind.

I don't seem to get the respect I deserve.
I am human, no?

One day im really gonna shut down.
Am i really a bad _____?
that's what i think of myself

why is it no matter what i do it's wrong?
Is it just me..?
So many questions.. no answer.
blame sensitivity.

bad things are happening concurrently. i feel helpless but i can only depend on myself.

anyway i think i am not working already. i finished my workload so might as well enjoy the rest of the holidays before school starts.
PS: coward

Tuesday, April 07, 2009


Double posts in a day within a span of a few hours.
Im bored!
which means - IM FREE!

I completed my work already. finally and vidhya said i was fast :D i hope i didn't make anymore errors. now it seems like they have no work for me so i'll slack. but if no work for me then i guess i shall stop work early.

Im so bored.. yvonne send me photos!

oh ya, i am currently looking through dog treat recipes. turns out you can bake your own dog treats too! the only one i saw which made sense and sounds nice is Bacon Treats. hahaha but wth is garlic powder anyway.

hahaha i think i will find candy yvonne ask them want to bake anot!

slept at 1am plus yesterday after watching DMC. truly funny please my sis say can compare with shrek 3 already.

soft and bouncy hair~

i like DMC song the sweet baby LOL terribly funny cheese tart HAHAHA

ok maybe i will blog later. bored ma cannot meh.

i think i go play diner dash or something.


wtf ah sang you all know ah sang passed away!?!!

Ah sang .. singer. Singer. ι˜Ώζ‘‘the singer of ye zi!

Arghhhhh. okay back to work i am at december!


Thursday, April 02, 2009

Dog's "Photoshoot"

Missed work for 2 days. I suffered the BIGGEST let me say this again - BIGGEST FLU EVER!!

I couldn't sleep at all; i was perspiring and i was STILL sneezing like HELL! In the end i slept at the living room and i still could not sleep well! My nose are so blocked, my throat hurts, and i am coughing! Argh the flu was so bad my ears are blocked and i can hear drumming noises coming from my nose!

Anyway, i visited the docs with sunny so i am better now. At least i didn't sneeze today, but sleep was better yesterday than the day before, but i woke up some point in the night cos my legs were aching.

Caught the show Detriot Metal City which was FUNNY! L is such a good actor i swear. I keep tolerating my sneezes.

Anyway, Sunny bought dlsr so we he came and we shot some pictures of the dogs. I shall upload it, the nicer ones -

Happy. The reflection was from the marble tiles!

I noticed both pictures eye closed. I like the ferris wheel pic he looks so handsome

Jojo! She is photogenic! Second photo she actually looks a bit sad.

Work tomorrow. I am gonna quit on the 15th. Did i mention that before? Argh i feel like i am missing out a lot of fun with my poly friends, sec friends and all so i am actually quite sorry. I only met them once or twice and that was like a month ago? Cherelle haven meet at all. I haven met my poly friends yet. Andd i thought i only have no life during holidays. WORK IS WORSE.


PS: 13th months :D