Monday, December 31, 2012

Page 366 of 366

Page 366 of 366. I found it rather apt to close this chapter of my life. Afterall, I started with the same - Pg 1 of 366. I wonder how many people remember this now. This is truly the year of change for me. I experienced many new events that i thought was out of this world for me. I think as a whole, I got what i wanted last year - to be much more spontaneous. So, I've decided to collate this list of of what happened to me this whole year! (Not in any order)

I've been drafting this blog post since August (4 months ago), and it's really fulfilling to draw a summary of what you've done for the year. It makes you reflect on events that occurred and to be more appreciative and grateful that it happened, despite good or bad.

-Start of list-

1. Chinese New Year

This year was different because I managed to visit Sunny's other relatives for the first time. Was fun getting to know them and they were all trying to show me naked pictures of baby sunny. Hahahaha! His aunts can't stop teasing him! I also got to go to Candy's house during the first few days of new year and her grandmother's birthday! That rarely happens. Was super fun to gather around! Of course, they gathered at my house again as usual. Bigger crowd this year!

 2. Designed my own blog template

This is something damn umimportant to mention but im so glad i managed to do something about my blogskin after using templates designed by others the past years. This is worth a mention ok? I AM AWESOME

3. Sunny's parade

 His sergeant parade. First time going out with his family and he isn't even there lol. Sunny said he could spot me far away while in the parade cos i was scurrying around with the camera lol. He was so smelly afterwards he kept running and trying to catch me while his grandmother was laughing haahaa.

4. My own 21st birthday party

I guess I can cross this off my bucket list. I was so set on not having one this year until 2 weeks before my birthday. Luckily managed to get everything running and proper. Super thankful to bf, friends and family.

5. Got my first branded stuff(s) - Prada

My sisters and i are usually not the kind to splurge on big brands, but i was so grateful to have gotten a wallet as a gift from my sisters on my birthday and a tote bag from dad in Paris. Super thankful.

6. Attended my friends' 21st parties


7. Dad featured on news article

Super proud of him :)

 8. Travelled extensively this year

- Thailand, first sister trip by the way. I super miss it~ Decided this trip 2 days before LOL spontaneous enough anot?!

- Genting

Went without our parents initially and got stalked by this creeper and sneaked my underage sister in casino!

- Guangzhou

Tagged along with my dad who was going there for a business trip. He threw us there HAHA and took another plane to another province. When he came back he was also busy most of the time so we wandered by ourselves! Super spontaneous and fun!

- London/Oxford, England

(Super η‹Όη‹½ lol)

- Paris, France

COME AT ME BRO (Itching to caption this for a long time)

9.  Reb's blog

She wrote about me in her blog. Such a small thing to you guys i know but it really made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. :') One of the highlights of my year.

10. Bicky went back home

She'll always be family though. The last time i spoke to her on the phone, she was falling sick (again). Hope she is coping well with her family. Faster have babies! :)

 11. Got my first tuition job

No photos of these 2 imps lol. But a super good experience. The kids are lovable at times but irritating too. Had to go through a journey of scolding them/making them cry, laughing and joking with them. I think I learned a lot too. After all the learning part always work both ways right?

12. LW go to UK to study

This was totally unexpected until around march-april. So far she is coping well, which is good :)

13. New Maid - Eva

My new maid came this year too. She is Bicky's sister-in-law so she's family as well. She is super nice and she's always in this bright cheery mood. Her cooking has improved so much and its yummy! :)

14. End of Year Present (Fresh on this list - added it like an hour ago)

IPHONE 5 KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-End of List-

Of course, there are also other changes, negative ones and personal ones too. Those I would like to keep it to myself. Some things come and go, even people. When things like that happens, I guess it isn't anyone's fault.  Maybe it just means that our paths are diverting further and further. I guess I'm just disappointed. I don't think I'll ever hate, as much as how angry I'll get. All I can do is to slowly feel indifferent about it... although im unsure if i'll ever feel like that or want to feel like that.

I am also grateful for all the things that didn't change in my life. My family, my usual friends and bf.  I'm glad that that we managed to cross another year together. It's gonna be my FIFTH FREAKING YEAR with Mr. Sunny this year lol. That's like half a decade, not that im complaining of course :)

Also, I'm excited to what is about to come. Finally I managed to gather courage to do something about it. It can take a few years/weeks to keep saying/complaining about it, but it just takes a fleeting second to make a decision that can change your outlook on things drastically.  I'm happy.

Finally, 2013 is here. Of course, each year means an opportunity. A chance to start another year right. It can help correct a wrong, mend feelings/emotions, rekindle friendships/love; the possibilities are endless. I think this year represents the start of my early adulthood. I want to live this year being out of my comfort zone, exploring around on things I never knew can happen, or challenge myself on things I never knew I can do. I want to live a limitless life.

A quote to end this final post of the year;

'Don't you just love new years? You get to start all over. Everybody gets a second chance.' - Forrest Gump (1994)

Friday, December 28, 2012

Day 2 Part 1 - London by Day, Paris by Night

I'm splitting this day into 2 parts because the pictures are so many and its impossible to squeeze them into one post.

Woke up early the next day for breakfast served in-house! Their croissant, tea was super tasty. We skyped with mom as we ate. It was super cold in the morning though, super windy.

 Fruit stalls outside the underground!

Headed to our first place of the day - Covent Garden Market! It's basically a marketplace, selling clothes, accessories, souvenirs and gifts, as well as hosting special live performances and there are also cafes and restaurants~

Saw Charlie Chaplin early in the morning. It attracted many stares of tourists around too. Its a publicity stunt innit?

The birds there are super fat and are unafraid of people AT ALL. In fact they will go near people, especially if they are eating. I tried chasing around some of those but they just run/skip a bit. It doesn't fly away like the SG birds. They are super fat so they cant fly high too.


We went to the Jubliee Market Hall and got ourselves matching bracelets!

Stepped into an Apple Store. Totally different from the ones in Singapore, its super spacious!

Walked past a few stores such as Burberry, and took quite some time at Oakleys becayse dad wanted to get this pair of golf shoes, which he didnt in the end.. and he kept talking about it when he's back at sg. Guess he regretted not buying those. LW wanted to get him those when she went london but it was out of season already.

 Wanted to have lunch at this Jamie Oliver restaurant (!!!) but it was still closed. Oh wells. Jamie Oliver is a famous chef, known to host various food television shows. I think those who watch cable knows him too!

 Queen Elizabeth's figurines by the window! It's super cute, their hands will literally wave and its hilarious!

Caught one of the performances, a quartet. They are super good, super talented. They played  Can Can and other classic music pieces! I also heard opera singing performances, and they were fabulous!

 Cute plushie store. Awwwww HELLO KITTY

MORE Gift stores! Selling tea leaves, mugs, chocolates.

 A nautical store. Super interesting i really was tempted to buy some stuff from there... but all the stuff there are super expensive and really wasnt worth it. There was no place i could put it at home anyway..

 After a while its kinda normal to miss eating rice after eating pasta for quite some time. Imagine our surprise when we saw them selling Hola Paella, which is kinda like rice i suppose. But most importantly it was super good we bought 2 big bowls. Dad was very happy eating it because he was missing rice haha

We walked around more and got hungry again (idk why but its so easy to get hungry there), so we went to this random bistro for pasta! We kept ordering hot chocolate throughout this trip, they were super yummy and good :) Saw this magic performances while eating.

This magician didn't manage to complete his performance though, he kinda got angry halfway because the audience weren't responding or cooperating well so he packed his stuff and went away. Kinda pity though, wanted to see what he's gonna do!

It was getting super cold so we asked the waiter to switch on those mini fire heaters they have near the various seats. Wasn't very effective though, cant feel the heat.

Hot chocolate!

 Left Covent Garden after that and roamed along the streets. I love exploring new places! We walked for a super long time, and super far that we ended up walking back to the hotel.

Went to Trafalgar Square!

 LOOK AT THE AMOUNT OF PEOPLE. See what i mean by people sitting around, chilling on the grasses? CANT DO THAT IN SINGAPORE ARGH

Group of students? I love the sun beam captured in this photo!

 Streets and streets of shops. Dad wanted a hat so bad so we entered a hat shop. Not approved by their daughters. Not approved.
We no likey hat on him.

Theatre showing musicals and live plays!

Its so ironic how its so sunny yet windy at the same time. Look at HL's hair!

 Cabs there. So cute!

Yes there is Tesco there. Is it the one by Malaysia or the one in London? Or are they the same? hmmm...?

 I love it that the people decorate their houses with flowers. It makes everything look so much brighter and nicer!

 Had to stop by a church cos we wanted to use their toilet... hehe

Yes dad entered the casino for a good 30 minutes. Lol i can totally caption this photo hahahaha

While dad was in there we walked across the street and looked around M&M world for a while. God it was HUUUUUGE, they were selling merchandises, of course chocolates, and also cute plushies!

One of my favourite things about the UK, THE STARBUCKS! By golly it's super huge, the architecture is so grand! Why cant the starbucks in Singapore be the same? They make it look so classy and nice i feel so cheated in SG HAHAHAHA

Okay i think that's all for Part 1. Will post Part 2 when I have the time. Look at all these photos!

PART 2 - PARIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!