Went out today with my friends. I watched Poseidon again, twice. As you can see, it rocks, or I would NEVER watched it twice. Chit-Chatted at the coffee bean for a few hours, and went around to try for spectacles. I want to make a new pair. My friends were all stuffing spectacles in my hands. Lols, I only have two eyes.
Well, good news for you all; I am probably gonna have a new phone- Nokia N91. I do not kno the size, so anyone pro at handphone (hinting you, Benson) tell me how big/small it is? Thanks. I hope I would get a handphone this time, as my father is either too busy with his work of forgot about it. He seemed serious though, he told me to check the net for its functions and accessories.
PLEASE, lemme get a phone. AHHH!
Ok, I've been abandoning my blog lately, as you can see, short posts. I apologise, due to my latest obsession for Adobe Photoshop. This is my first piece of work, a picture of a lame milo.
I know it is horrible. Eric, kindly not gloat while secretly muttering to yourself that I am a noob. Yes, I am. xD
Ending this post, I hope it is long enough.