Sorry, about to blog yesterday but blogger went crazy. Lols. Let me update to you about yesterday.
Our class are rebels~ During Georg class yesterday, this indian teacher relieved us (Mind you, Im not being racist) and she was being a huge busybody, asking around while we were discussing in groups. She was asking "What are you laughing about?" "What are you discussing about?" Woah. She also wrote this loooooong question and told us to do. Her handwriting is in cursive we have NO idea what she is writing. Later, she told us to stay back till 4 because we were being NOISY. Excuse me, that was a classic moment! We were rarely THAT quiet. Give her face already liao. She also told us to take out a piece of paper to do that question, and also scolded Yih Rue because she was laughing and told her to be an example because she was the montitress. So there was a teeny bit of argument. But when the bell rang at 2, everyone ignored her and left.
Chinese. We did our presentation and well, we did okay. Farhana broke down halfway and started laughing. I guess she was too nervous to read on.
Saw the indian relief teacher complaining to Miss Wong. d-uh. Anyway, there was this little physics test that would be considered into CA. We used the remote control thingy again, of course. It was quite fun, because teacher would bet on some questions that he guessed th whole class wouldn't get right. We almost won but because of a one or two people, he won the bet. He promised to buy drinks if we won. Heh. Then there was this question, where he was SO confident that he give us $100. But he LOST! *Cackles* HAHA! He promised us drinks. One lesson he learnt: DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE YOUR STUDENTS!
I had a HUGE stomachache during recess. Cramp? I dunno. For georg, Miss Wong came *Phew* and talked to us about the relief teacher thing. That lame relief teacher is a liar! She did not mention where she made us stay back. Sometimes its so not fair, the teachers always think students are wrong. We have CCTV. Lols xD Went to various parts of school to confirm our amazing race's clue's hideouts.
Class test. Stomach cramp. HURTS! I think I flunked? Eww. Hope not. I don't think so?
D-uh la. I think I PASSED!!!
A maths. Mdm Yap is so pro. She can think of ways we can never think of. TOO PRO. *ONE THOUSAND ROUNDS OF APPLAUSE*
Still got english homework, and TWO freaking tests this week.
Did some photoshop back home!
There are nicer ones, but done by my sis. Can anyone teach me how to have a curved border? Grr please.