Yup, Im still in a holiday mood. first period was e maths at first, but changed to add maths because we have ANOTHER test next friday. =/ did some revision.
NO PE TODAY. It was such a bummer because I have been waiting all week. Plus, I LOVE PE. Grrr.. got sent to AVA room to revise for georg test instead.
after recess- english. my group and i did some last minute rush because we did not have time to complete it. we caught up anyways.
followed by georg test. I was bring very kiasu, writing down as much factors as i can think of. haha.
spent 30 mins in georg room idling about and discussing whether to bring class tee on the workshop next monday. I am going to bring PE tee, because i destroyed my own class tee and it got .. brownish. i guess it got mixed with other colours? I am so going to try dying it. no harm done anyways. (:
after school, went to the chem lab to do the crystals. we completed VERY quickly and was soon free to go. went to compass point with my friends for lunch. SOOOOO hungryyyyyyyyyyyy. all of us ate jap food. nice nice nice!! we also took some pictures in the toilet. (shown later)
walked and shopped around popular, and watson. even went in to the kiddy palace without noticing. soon, candy had to leave, and cherelle and I were left. i ate old chang kee and we both rotted around, even going inside metro. HAHA. finally, we settled at the MRT platform there and started chatting. went home eventually.
I am so darn lucky i tell you. when the lift door was open, i saw my maid on the way out. goodness. god knows how many hours i have to be trapped outside the house with no keys.
since my father installed the new scv topbox, i decided to use it, but it just wouldn't work. I was so fustrated i called my father and fixed the old topbox myself. my sister tried helping, but made the wire thingy got stuck. she is one funny kiddo. haha. LOVE TV.
ok, here are the pictures; (NOT edited)