My sis is called Tay Li Wen, and there was someone in her school which was named Tan Li Wen.
Strange, but that's not the weird part.
Weird part is, they are borned on the same day, which means they got same birthday. Freaky, okay? Way too freaky.
In my school, the only name which is close to mine is someone called Tee Hui Yin. Sec one I think.
Speaking of Tan, Im always mistaken for a Tan Hui Yin instead of Tay leh.
Why huh?
Anyway, I was feeling very angry yesterday over audition, which kept lagging. I reinstalled it and it gave me this;
Maybe you could click it for a bigger version? Anyway, the pop-up window says;
"A sharing violation occurred while accessing blah blah blah ..."
Anyway, it kinda worked today. At least, the game start button could be pressed. Haha.
I completed my homework! And yesssssssssss, I can watch WENDY WU!
I love The Incredibles (:
Oh yes, if you wanna take a personality test, go to;
quite accurate. =D
PS: My sis relinked her blog; even though this piece of news is completely out of point.