haha angmoh speak chinese totally shocked me man! hahahahhaha xD
lol put outside fountain lol!!!
okay la, you all totally dont understand right, never mind you all ask me, i will tell you ALL!
okay that's not the point.
we made pizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
MINE! mine like more ingredients right, cos i put tuna and egg mayo as BASE!
woo green pepper and the onions damn fabulous!! and then still got broken cookies to take home! i tell them dun give me the yvonne still put inside the plastic bag! haha got roast chicken bring home also cos staff meal. NOT THE WHOLE CHICKEN LAR SIAO. is one piece. oven roasted kind. hahahaaha not those oily kind. and cookies i bought for yongtai for the help! my sis better pass him tomorrow.
okay alot of people go TP LEH! Anyone who go accounting & finance? tell me!
oh new year over liao! hahha can open angbaosssssssss xD
i know ppl open long ago, whatever leh i always open after new year finishes.
sian, i am most probably gonna spend the night at my living room's couch today to accompany my sister mug for her test. I AM SO NICE RIGHT? i know :D
when is christina coming back i am going to chop her to pieces cos i feel like it.