Thursday, July 31, 2008
!! to the old man. Dunno you guyi is it. Luckily I heng never tio I siam fast fast if not laoniang will chop you!
PS: Giving birth.. ouch.
PPS: Other's opinions don't matter. Mine's the most important.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Seriously random because I was in a dazed with this sudden rush of thoughts.
Off to bed.
Oh ya I tio presentation today. See? HAHA :D
Received some constructive comments from my poly mates. Will improve :D
Note: 7 more hours till school. =( Want to chiong breakfast.
PS: Should I postphone it from friday to next thur perhaps? Friday ghost festival. Woo~
Happy day!
Had a GREAT GREAT chat again today, lasted for quite long, around 3 hours? Feels good to listen and to talk! Showed him the ugliest photos I could find yesterday. horrendous, even my maid also laughed lor.
I have something to show you all! But I have to see someone's mood! Hahaha curious anot I diao you all the appetite man.
Oliva's songs are nice! Her album rocks! That's why i changed my blog song to hers, it's called Close to You. Soothing and nice ya?
Currently teaching my sis bearings now. Bearings can easily be my best subject in A maths i tell you.
Argh, she is sick. Pris is sick. Everyone is sick. Stop eatin durians people!
Haven't been in touch with the girls these days, i wonder..
Sigh, I miss the noisiness that always surrounds me during my secondary school days. I can somehow reminisce Candy and Cherelle's laughter, Yvonne's shriek whenever I put my hands on her shoulders, Weishan's nags, and Eric's booming voice. Not only them, I guess I miss the class as a whole. It's hard to find such noise in my class now, where everything is so calm, and I missed laughing so hard with my class & clique. Of course some of my poly friends are fun, but it seems so different now, like i can never express myself as freely. Eww, sucks to feel this way.
Commskills again tomorrow! Hope that I do not tio, cos last in first out! Okay I am actually a bit hoping i tio so i can get it over and done with quickly. Exams are coming soon in few weeks time, which means holidays are coming too! YAHOO MAN!
Most polish on my FA1, must polish, must polish......
Olivia rocks my socks y'all! Ya okay off to bed.
PS: I want the Vampire series leh! I shall set my mind to buy them! Twiilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn, I AM COMING!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Gah, typing is a bit of a chore now because this "a" key in my sister's keyboard is SO NOT functioning well.
Showed a portion of my old photos to sunny today. My primary 6 photos were HORRIBLE PLEASE. It was my collection of photos I koped from the big bag of photos I had when I was small! I am trying to fill up the whole photo album now. The photo album was from weishan as a bday gift this year :D
Oh and sunny& candy is sick. GET WELL SOON ALL OF YOU!
Okay off to finish off my presentation speech thing. 6 people presented today and they were GREAT MAN!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Panic Attack!
Followed my family to shop today, and on the car, my sister told us some political stuff, LKY and all that. Gave me quite a shock. Let's just say that things aren't always what they seems.
Gave up shopping, engine wasn't on that day, so I was actually just wandering around and following people, or just standing there in a daze. I was thinking mostly on how to complete my report, I dislike last minute work!
Ironic this is, as I still haven finish my individual speech thing.
Anyway, stop digressing. Went to fitting room and kept playing there. The clothes there were.. ahem. But we chose those damn ugly dresses and we make a rule that we all must wear them and show to everyone! (Family members lah) I so did not want to wear it at first, but well, fun what. I ended up not only wearing it, but also walked pass my sis's fitting room, play play lo. I saw one person staring but didn't say anything. My sis all also walked around, LOL. Kept laughing like mad.
My sis took a candid video of me and I really, embarrased myself LOL
Me and my maid while waiting for the rest to come out. I first!
Ate fast food, like again. Don't know how many times for this week already.
Got caught up in watching Wendy Wu when I got back so now chionging all my homework!
Haslindah! What I Like About You is nice! See I still remembered the title! Wahahahha
Suddenly realised that the IS trip must be postphoned, way way way way way way after 20 august.
Seriously, I think my spelling and english is getting worse! What is happening to me!
Before I go off, one picture of happy sleeping on my wardrobe. Noob dog.
This is a way cute smelly noob dog.
PS: AHHHHHHHH i was downloading a file, download = no download cos i go and cancel. Seriously stupid!
Friday, July 25, 2008
We hurt the most whom we love the most.
You fight with the one on whom you have more expectataions
You smile with tears in your eyes and pain in heart when your loved one hurts you first and then asks sorry
After speaking hours to your loved one the moment you keep the phone you remember you forgot an important thing to say....
That somewhere was a blog I happened to see when I typed the wrong url to my sis's webpage.
Kinda dreaded today, I have to go to school tomorrow for a stupid CS test and Cherelle couldn't make it to Ajisen tomorrow. Any takers? Kidding. I think I'll just go home and continue to sleep.
Was playing SUSHIDO via Viwawa with my classmates during CSA lessons, reminded me of JJ how he always told me to play but i kept refusing. It is fun, Lilin kept winning tyco-ly. Presentation was like a breeze.
What a cold day, I was sneezing and kept sniffing the whole day. But I like the cooling weather. I am suddenly thinking that I am kinda looking stupid now wearing this big headphone. Retarded. I hope no one recognises me! Im in school by the way.
Oh, Jiawen ate breakfast with me in school today! Woo bee hoon! Shall make it a point to chiong school early just to enjoy breakfast.
Exams coming in 4 weeks time!
Oh, my sis's Japan exchange programme buddy who is coming to stay at our house loves cooking and calligraphy. Great, I can tell her to cook for the family. Free Japanese cruisine, hmm...
Her nickname is Kaka, but I am considering to call her by her real name tho. Kaka means dirty in I-don't-know-what language!
Before I forget, Weishan looked very pretty in her formal wear!
Hmm, I realised that I have been blogging dilligently!
This weekend is gonna be busy, with the speech outline and my e-learning homework plus tutorials going on..
Im not gonna change my blog song, this song complements my mood for today.
Shall draw a line so the 2 posts are seperated.
Oh and did I tell you that my previous blog post was typed when I was in my school's library. I couldn't resist the urge to blog man. Headed to Mac with candy and sunny aftermath. I eat a lot today! Went Punggol Plaza to accompany him to have his hair cut.
Had quite a long talk with him today, much longer than I expected. Poured everything out of course, it was better than blogging because my mouth does all the work. Strangely I felt.. very free&happy inside. Weird?
Went home and watched telly and i finished the book Twiilight! Loved it man, the climax got me exciting and scared at the same time! Feels good to cuddle on your bed and read a book on a cooling night! Wait till I get my hands on the second book, New Moon! Who has it?
No photos today because I am really lazy in uploading. Had a stomachache just now due to eating too much heaty stuff today I guess.
I wonder how Yvonne did with her presentation today, hope she did well :D
I still think dripping salivia is better then ahem... (inside joke)
Okay I shall go off to sleep very soon. I wanna wake up to have breakfast tomorrow and it's getting really really late/early. I need my sleep. Stupid test on saturday! Grrr!
Oh did I mention that I got 25.5 over 50 for my FA1 test. I was so glad I passed!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Here to RANT!
Sometimes I feel that my blog posts are so superficial, so 肤浅. Words are just words, there are simply no feelings, simply no meaning put into it. Sometimes I even thought of closing this blog down, it's like a shell, a blog just for people to see, everyone except me.
I don't know why I suddenly realised I feel this way, isn't this weird..
I guess I always restricted the way I blogged, especially how I feel because I mind what others think, what others would always talk about behind me. When I look back onto my blog posts, it always looks so.. preppy. So happy and even bimbotic. I don't know lah, but people are not always happy you know. I suddenly hate my blog posts because it seems to reflect that I have a very fake personality? Seriously, I really don't know, don't know what I want to achieve or do about after typing all this. What happened to freedom of speech?
However, I would sometimes type out how I feel, but I would either delete it soon after. I guess it's because I don't like being questioned on what I blogged about. It feels like.. people are actually mocking at me, mocking at my feelings that are spilled onto this little blog, actually questioning at what I am doing. I actually GIVE IN to peer pressure.
I don't know, but part of me don't really like to talk about my feelings, even though I talk about them a constant lot to my friends. Ironic? I think that way too.
Suddenly, I realised that people's opinion don't matter. They don't understand - it's okay. I blog because I hoped that I would read ALL my archives when I am older and reflect on my teenage life. Having such a superficial blog really defeats the purpose, doesn't it?
Call me over-sensitive, thinking too much, whatever. Don't really wanna care about what people are saying anymore. I have been doing that for so many years, I guess it's time to put a stop to it.
Some people might think if I am pinpointing at certain people by typing this blog post? All I can answer is, if you think I am talking about you, maybe it's really you. (Okay why am I caring what people think now? LOL)
I am going to try to blog with a new way from now on. At least, I hope so.
Hmm, then again, am I going to suddenly go back on my word and delete this post?
I wonder.
I think my laksa did this to me.
Wow it feels great pouring out everything. No wonder people likes to blog. They actually feel better! Okay I think I am actually a bit hungry.
PS: I know I am not good with words, I actually feel retarded after typing all this.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Anyway, met Simin on the 23 bus and I chatted with her for a while. She is a nice girl, haha and I realised that her course also got formal presentation too!
Ya, and my pumps were killing me. Aiya I know lah not wearing heels but I will die if i wore them. Buay Tahan man! Reached school and a lot of people reached already! ALL so nervous haha.
We were actually planning to time our presention as a whole group, meaning 12mins per group shared among the 6 members, NOT 2 min per person. But Ms Thio didn't know, and we ended up being lab rats by being interrpted by her constantly to tell us that we overrun! GRRR we were first group leh, how we know. But due to my excellent speed when I talk, OF COURSE NEVER LAH! HAHAHAHAA :D Skit was so-so, i didn't forget my lines, but I was stuttering for a bit. Kok Tong say at a wrong time hahahha!
The other groups were damn hilarious, i must say, so funny! And i tell you, all of my classmates were EXCELLENT presenters, all so business-like unlike their normal self man.
Plus, I borrowed the book Twilight from Charmaine! I was so happy man, thanks! :D
Took class photos after our presentation!
The class! With Miss Thio haha!
Took photos with my classmates after our presentation. My face sucks lah, seriously dunno why i look so retarded in photos. But i am still gonna share it with you all cos i am actually used to seeing my screwed-up face in pictures.
Left with Lingle, right with Pris!
With Baoyi and group of girls!
Left is with Steph and June, Right with Baoyi and Lilin!
Steph, Johnson, Tiantian and me!
Le sigh at the retardedness! I am excusing myself from school tomorrow and I am wishing weishan all the best for tomorrow's presentation!
Off to read the book Twiilight now! Yes can sleep late.
Oh Eric asked me to announce that he is handsome.
Like it is important -.-
WOO 10 days
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Haha get set for quite a lot of random photos!
Few things to highlight about the past week:
Attended their 校园签唱会 at TP's TCC last thursday!
God, my class ended at 1pm, and concert was at 6.30pm!
Spent the time doing my project and around 4.30pm, went to queue with candy already!
but aiya, already alot of people queueing when we reached liao. meanwhile waited for yvonne shi hong and pris.
MAJOR COINCIDENCE, yvonne's classmates were infront of us and my cousin was behind me! we ended up chatting hahaha alot, dont feel so distant from him liao.
some last minute dramatic situation tho, i dropped my ticket when we were about to go in! wow so stupid! luckily yvonne found it and somemore i thought they were pulling a prank on me! hahah paiseh :D
I had pretty nice view man, I was right in the centre! They got come up one lor, but i ended up taking blur shots so i gave up. To sum it all, the concert was spectacular, the singers were so steady and their songs were different from most of the typical cliche chinese songs i hear. Am i brainwashed? Dont think so cos I am not a crazy fanatic, just their songs. I even got Lingle to send me the whole album!
Many thanks to yvonne and her friends for helping me candy pris to get the tickets!
Spent my whole saturday out! EARLY IN THE MORNING I WAKE UP LIAO!
I had a bone appointment with the docter -.- sunny accompanied me! :D so early man, so tiring! finally reached and the doctor said that i didn't have any need to continue the appointment anymore because my bone is maturing. It won't deteroriate, but it wont become well either. Just remain like that hahaha. But I have to do sit ups and drink at least 2 glasses of milk!
After check up we went to plaza sing to eat AJISEN! Mine was fabulous!
While waiting for food, play handphone games hahahahah!
Played arcade and i have a score of 210+? Hope to beat a 250 man! Left to Sengkang to meet yixuan and candy and chill at her house. Read magazines, view blogs, chat and laugh! LOL! Watched vcds also, LA BI XIAO XIN! Wanted delivery but due to heavy rain! LAME LEH! Went to compass aftermath, and ate KFC! Slacked and chatted and of course camwhore! I enjoyed myself man, hope to meet up again soon ya?
Talking on the phone with weishan!
Met with sunny and homed! Realised tha my dogs were sterelised today. Damn sad look at the 2 females! They have to wear that thing to prevent them from licking their wounds. They teared and kept whining and refusing to walk.
Not forgetting bobby, man of the dogs!
Slept at 5am while taking care of the dogs. Gotta keep patting them or they will whine! I watched ah chu and cooked noodles. The pot was burned bcos i realised i forgot to switch off the fire! 2 hours leh, luckily it was a small one if not i would be a charcoal by now.
WOKE UP AT 10am+ by my sis. Asked me to bring happy to pee. Of course very irritated lah, cos cranky and i refused to talk to her LOL! After that met up with candy and eric for formal wear, we went to compass a while only cos candy and i needed to go home asap. Saw Qinghui and her friends! FINALLY GOT MY OUTFIT! I went G2000 and the smallest size skirt was even too loose for me, and i just slipped them on with my shorts on leh! Shoes anyhow, wear pumps lah.
Okay random photos! Time to be random!
Er, lazy. :D Next time perhaps? I am going to transfer Yoga's song into my phone now!
School tomorrow and presentation on tues, very nervous!
And gah, coughing i am.
Realised that i am not spending much time with my secondary school mates these days. miss you all man and the we are still ON!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Sleeping soon.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
A random post before bed.
lmao meanwhile I am also in the midst of rushing the Ah Chu show! I keep fastforwarding cos it's a bit draggy as they tend to beat around the bush. I guess all shows are like that one wat. So I just grasp the main point and continue to fastforward. At the end of the disc I feel like rewatching lmao cos machiam never watch. Haha but I like the Granny. Her cold jokes DAMN LAME! I never thought Zhuo Wen Xuan could act, and she acted very well leh.
Gah, gotta brace myself for the five school days! Me dont like school =(
Haven't monday got monday blues liao.
French Fries TOMORROW!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Not really mug lah, er, to prepare myself for the test? Even my mother told me to chill, and dont' study too hard. My father was like, please fail. WTH!
I woke up late today, like 2pm. Late enough for me bcos i wanted to wake up at 12pm, but DO YOU KNOW WHY I WOKE UP LATE???
Haha very shocking reason!
Yvonne! Shock anot! I watching your AH CHU LEH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am even shocked myself.
But I was pressing the x4 button when I was watching last few episodes of the show before I sleep cos it was really late and I wanted to sleep. But I still get what the show is trying to tell me. Not bad lah actually, the Wang Shao Wei can pull off the blur look quite well.
Candy bathing now, shall do work later :D
No pictures, because no pictures lor.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Rainy day!
Tues test on FA1. PANIC ATTACK!
Okay not really lah, hahaha. Maybe I shall revise today?
Nothing really to talk about today, but I like today!
Yay rainy days, favourite man.
It's a perfect weather to sleep, and I seriously hope it rains today!
Weekends are coming, oh yes finally man! :D
Bus-ed home with Farhana Sunny Eugene WeiZhong and went to PP with all except Farhana.
Learnt that JiaHao went to Ngee Ann Polytechnic! Haha :D
Okay no pictures cos I haven't been taking photos recently.
This week is the i-don-want-to-see-how-i-look week.
Feel shitty in school :D Okay gonna watch TV!
Monday, July 07, 2008
ZOO trip on saturday, well actually a bit lazy to post the pictures cos uploading process in painfully slow and tedious and i actually have to extract all the
thing. So ley chey so might as well upload next time.
Eh candy dont complain, I like wordy posts leh.
Woo, next week and the week after that is a crucial week cos tests are beginning, projects deadline are coming, and I am STILL very relaxed~ Speaking of tests, my timing for some exams are absolutely ABSURD! 6.30pm to 7.30pm leh! Strictly CRAZY! Somemore I even have to go school on a SATURDAY! WTH I already dread school still have to go school for TEST! GAH.
Okay, I am bored but I just wanna blog. You know my new blog song NICE RIGHT, even though its like, long ago. I dont care leh. I am actually considering changing the blog song to Blind by Lifehouse cos IT ROCKS! Lifehouse is actually one of my favourites now. But my sis put this song on her blog, later say i copy her, tsk tsk. :D
OKAY I think I shall change my blogskin, sick of small fonts time of bigger and clearer fonts so people like eric can be happy.
And eric please blog since i blogged.
[edited] Haha I changed me blogskin! A bit distorted, so click the word journal again then read, cos it's cut halfway if you dont click. I like the simplicity, so me dont give a hoot for the distorted-ness. :D Okay shall read book and abandon homework =D
[edited-ed] suddenly it's not distorted again. WHAT IS UP WITH THE EFFING COMPUTER! :D
Oh to add, S.I.A.N! Hippo! Rhino!
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Blogging in a rush!
Today! Lessons were slow, dry bored. Ended up going to school with Wenjun. Weizhong was there too be alighted early to walk to school.
After lesson, Pris and me met up with WS ZP and went to design for lunch! Damn hungry I tell you I forgot to eat dinner yesterday cos I was doing homework and configuring the handphone stuff! Candy came then we took the bus. WS Candy Pris alighted earlier and I took 72 with zp, chatting all the way. Wow bus journey damn long sat till butt pain.
Caught the movie "Wanted" with Sunny! It was nice, but the theatre damn cold! But the ending a bit.. incomplete leh. But nice show man! Wanted to catch the 10 Promises to dogs or something but ended up late. After that played bball arcade! Haha and he bought rubiks' cube.
I promised to do my homework/revise lol but seriously tired. Slept 5 hours only you know!
Wow this week passed damn fast! Yoga tomorrow!
Sian projects deadline all coming. Haha I feel a bit panicky leh. :D
Currently loving the song Bombastic Love by Britney Spears! OLD SONG.
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
All plucking bean sprouts! Eric is not helping he is slacking!
Yvonne in kitchen!
Von demonstrate how to wrap a popiah!
Arcade with all the happy girls!
Haha just now with 6 dogs! HAha you only see 5 here! I like teacher telling them to sit down and stuff! Ate KFC and bee hoon and coke and alot of things! LOL got one dog name Fufu don't like me to hit his butt!
So unfair man, seriously von!
Haha met up with candy and off to meet weishan and eric at hougang mall. Went to von house and sunny there already, plucking beansprouts haha! bcos von cook popiah for us! We helped out, with weishan plucking beansprouts, me and candy pluck the prawn and smashing the egg to many many pieces. Eventually everyone helped to finish the beansprouts anyway, cos alot. Haha yvonne and her sis really can cook! I find helping out with the chores fun, cos I dont get to do it often, thus it is fun once in a while what. If do everyday sure sian.
We were late for the meet up with the rest cos we spent our time playing with the game! Shit i forgot the name but got remote control and stuff! HAHA so fun i keep getting trashed!
After concert we went to MS and played bowling and arcade! Haha Jim lose to me in time crisis! NO la cos his machine sot. Bowling wasn't bad, it was fun too! Then we went to suntec to playing the bball dunking machine! Even candy and ws had fun! SO FUN MANNNNNNNN!!
Pictures with candy I think. Even though overall the outing still a bit haywire, i hope we still get to meet up again somehow. Cabbed home cos dad chasing.
Went jogging on sunday with my whole family except dad. Kept laughing cos my mother just shake her butt and claims she is running, while HL run got alot of styles - frog style, dog style and crap. HAHAHAHAHAH!
Legs hurt like shitzxzx on monday mannnnnnnn! And i got cramps like thrice when taking a bus. AND I FRIGGING LOST MY EZLINK FOR THE 5th TIME OMG! Sianssssssssssssssss. I got concession somemore. OMG HEARTPAIN! Okay neh mind.
Laoniang taking up yoga with family on friday. Haha, eh. Don't laugh.
Okay today is my maid bday! So gonna celebrate at the roof garden with the dogssssss, my maid's friends and their dogsssssssssssss and a lot of ppl lol. :D:D:D:D:D
Shall post up pictures when candy sends them to me :D