Haha get set for quite a lot of random photos!
Few things to highlight about the past week:
Attended their 校园签唱会 at TP's TCC last thursday!
God, my class ended at 1pm, and concert was at 6.30pm!
Spent the time doing my project and around 4.30pm, went to queue with candy already!
but aiya, already alot of people queueing when we reached liao. meanwhile waited for yvonne shi hong and pris.
MAJOR COINCIDENCE, yvonne's classmates were infront of us and my cousin was behind me! we ended up chatting hahaha alot, dont feel so distant from him liao.
some last minute dramatic situation tho, i dropped my ticket when we were about to go in! wow so stupid! luckily yvonne found it and somemore i thought they were pulling a prank on me! hahah paiseh :D
I had pretty nice view man, I was right in the centre! They got come up one lor, but i ended up taking blur shots so i gave up. To sum it all, the concert was spectacular, the singers were so steady and their songs were different from most of the typical cliche chinese songs i hear. Am i brainwashed? Dont think so cos I am not a crazy fanatic, just their songs. I even got Lingle to send me the whole album!
Many thanks to yvonne and her friends for helping me candy pris to get the tickets!
Spent my whole saturday out! EARLY IN THE MORNING I WAKE UP LIAO!
I had a bone appointment with the docter -.- sunny accompanied me! :D so early man, so tiring! finally reached and the doctor said that i didn't have any need to continue the appointment anymore because my bone is maturing. It won't deteroriate, but it wont become well either. Just remain like that hahaha. But I have to do sit ups and drink at least 2 glasses of milk!
After check up we went to plaza sing to eat AJISEN! Mine was fabulous!
While waiting for food, play handphone games hahahahah!
Played arcade and i have a score of 210+? Hope to beat a 250 man! Left to Sengkang to meet yixuan and candy and chill at her house. Read magazines, view blogs, chat and laugh! LOL! Watched vcds also, LA BI XIAO XIN! Wanted delivery but due to heavy rain! LAME LEH! Went to compass aftermath, and ate KFC! Slacked and chatted and of course camwhore! I enjoyed myself man, hope to meet up again soon ya?
Talking on the phone with weishan!
Met with sunny and homed! Realised tha my dogs were sterelised today. Damn sad look at the 2 females! They have to wear that thing to prevent them from licking their wounds. They teared and kept whining and refusing to walk.
Not forgetting bobby, man of the dogs!
Slept at 5am while taking care of the dogs. Gotta keep patting them or they will whine! I watched ah chu and cooked noodles. The pot was burned bcos i realised i forgot to switch off the fire! 2 hours leh, luckily it was a small one if not i would be a charcoal by now.
WOKE UP AT 10am+ by my sis. Asked me to bring happy to pee. Of course very irritated lah, cos cranky and i refused to talk to her LOL! After that met up with candy and eric for formal wear, we went to compass a while only cos candy and i needed to go home asap. Saw Qinghui and her friends! FINALLY GOT MY OUTFIT! I went G2000 and the smallest size skirt was even too loose for me, and i just slipped them on with my shorts on leh! Shoes anyhow, wear pumps lah.
Okay random photos! Time to be random!
Er, lazy. :D Next time perhaps? I am going to transfer Yoga's song into my phone now!
School tomorrow and presentation on tues, very nervous!
And gah, coughing i am.
Realised that i am not spending much time with my secondary school mates these days. miss you all man and the we are still ON!