I think I will just blog about the past events that I've forgotten to blog about, together will photos, WAY WAY WAY OVERDUED photos! OMG I have so much to blog about, I am actually thinking of what to blog about as I am typing this.
Okay, photos on the day the class first wore the class TEE!
Girls after CSA lab lesson!
Background! Hassay same number!
Lilin's jersey is black cos it is not CLASS jersey! It's her netball jersey haha.
HASSAY AND ME! She just laughs at almost everything i do! :D I decided not to put camwhore pictures of myself already because I don't think it's nice all of the sudden. =D
I wanted to post photos of Sayaka's trip but the pictures are inside the camera and I have a memory card stuck inside my laptop which I do not know how to get it out. Okay it's my fault cos i got it in there in the first place.
Class photo after presentation because it was our last lesson with Patricia! Guess where she is, she so pretty and she is a MOTHER omg. I remember getting hit by Nathaniel in the head accidentally afterwards. Okay I look weird.. skip that.
Photos taken in the toilet on Joanne's birthday! We were attempting to keep her as long as we could in the toilet because the guys were bringing out the cake. Suprise!
After exam on friday, I brought bobby down to see sunny LOL mainly because sunny wanted to see my dog and torment him. Ya and he took photos, quite ALOT. I had dirty pawprints on my shirt because I had to carry him due to the wet floor! Bobby damn tico keep looking at girls haha.
Cute right he got tico face! Thumbdrive with him LOL cos i was transferring movies and METAL slug inside. Oh ya bobby happened to SHIT right SMACK in the middle of the place and SUNNY CLEANED THE SAI WITH TISSUE HAHAHA! WOO but I had to clean up the remaining shit that he failed to clean. Okay turned out that it wasn't ME! SUNNY CLEANED THE REMAINING SHIT LOL BUT I KEEP THINKING IT WAS ME BECAUSE I OFFERED TO CLEAN! HE CLEAN HE CLEAN! NOOB CITIZEN!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA
Ya he is good citizen -.-
Went to compass with sisters today to buy Yoga things like SWEATPANTS! GAHHH! Ate pizza hut aftermath and spent one hour plus chatting. Cut hair! I have 2 mushroom head as my sisters. HL left for tuition while we went home. I bought prezzie for chipchip already!
There is alot of stuff waiting for me to do! I am..
-Currently trying to solve Rubiks's,
-Catching up on my reading (ESP TWIILIGHT SERIES)
-Get a job
-watch movies in computer
-lunchbox hunting
job at my mothers' by the way. That's what I have decided, yet to tell her LOL, I need to rescue her from the MASSIVE workload and those social stuff.
Oh ya TEACHERS DAY CELEBRATION TOMORROW! I cannot wait man, it would be like a mini class gathering or some sort and I have YOGA tomorrow already. Ya shocking right. I am going to find inner peace and inner soul or something. But my mother says that people fart alot leh, I am going to be so distracted HAHAHAHA okay don't laugh I may even do a bit of farting myself T.T
I might sleep soon, need to wake up early, meeting the usuals for breakfast! In a good mood recently, maybe due to the holidays! :D I remembered having more to blog about but I just don't seem to remember.. OH WELL :D Meanwhile anyon have job lobang tell me, even though I may be working at my mothers'.
PS: Tagboard is ugly but i am too lazy to change it again =D