Went to have lunch with bicky and liwen & huilin at KFC at rivervale mall. Walked there okay!
Ate, walked around and omg arcade closed down! SIAN!
Waited around 1 hour for hassay cos i arrived early and she arrived LATE LOL :D Wanted to take bus to BBQ but it was pouring, so we went to white sands and grabbed some coffee at the coffee club!
Nice ambience right!
Hassay and ME!
Her KUKU face haha :D
Ordered our food and drinks!
Muddy Mud Pie; Hers
I am taking a photo of her taking a photo of the cake!
My ice coffee; very simple lah haha.
Pouring the syrup in..
Her Mocha Tropicana!
My Mille Feuille! I had to ask the waitress how to pronounce LOL but I forgot. My friends would be suprised because I rarely had the craving for sweet stuff but I just felt like it eating it then. Kinda regretted it because I dont eat the strawberries, the berries,or vanilla ice cream and the thing is so messy and hard to eat but ya i just finished everything except the berries and strawberries anyway.
Struggling how to eat..
And she is enjoying!
Okay after that headed to Chip's BBQ! Her family was vey warm and keep asking us to eat! Food was nice~ Took photos!
Haha had fun, I played frisbee with them and her little cousins! Sat at the rock and chatted! Taught chip the difference between a satellite, aeroplane and a real star etc.. HAHA and chatted alot! Left to meet sunny soon and home!
I love sunny even though we are going to see less of each other due to holidays and his busy schedule!
PS: Oh before I forget, YT told me to praise him in my blog. Okay you are handsome man. Haha my sis wil be shocked to see this!