Watched Despicable Me and had brunch in HK cafe! Caiyun managed to win a Hello Kitty plush toy from the arcade machine!
Anyway photos!
it was fun with GSR pranking the others had a good laugh! overall quite a happy day :)
btw despicable me was awesome and fabbbbbbbbbbb! hope to meet them soon!
anyway i just finished my busiest period EVERRRRRRRR! no more coffee spams and staying up late in school, although i must say it was fun to hang out with my project mates! we smuggled titbits there everytime and had to run from library rangers, and even went as far as to smuggle chicken nuggets (casslyn lor!)
then when we thought the rangers are walking pass we started hiding the food and the curry sauce was hidden in my bag!and it burst the next day and my bag ended up smelling like curry sauce! it was funny, and im happy to get such awesome mates :) i dunno what grades our projects will get but it was fun! we really play hard and studied hard :)
okay off to read my hp book soon i bought it from a book sale from PP 5 bucks each heehehee
PS: LOL my cousins spamming my facebook la damn funny! planning a steamboat.. woohoo