Yes, after 3 years of studying in TP, Accounting and Finance, I finally got my diploma!!!!!
Look at the awesome stage - spent 3 good hours sitting there during the ceremony. saw some funny stuff, like a graduand holding a wand and pointing it to the audience, and also some weird shoes.
had refreshments after the ceremony and it's photos galore! a pity that I didnt take more photos though, had trouble finding people! but it was really great fun even though it was a bit warm outside the convention centre -.-
Nadirah, my bestie in school who made my 3 years in school soooo much better!
Weishan's mom! (sorry for the dark photos)
Wanting & Chuying~
Man Ning!!!!!!
Li Bing!
Jiawen had the same grad day as me~
Group photo~ (Shilin, Shufen, Sofia, Xiaoling)
KPMG peeps! (Chengsiong, Tingwen, Shufen, Soon Meng)
Afterwards, headed down to Playnation with Nadirah for games!we didnt know where to go at first, but i recommended going there because Nadirah loves games and she's good at it too! (thrashed me until quite jialat!!!) It's a good thing that she loves games cos most of my friends not really an arcade person and im so happy to have someone share this interest with me!
A bit buay paiseh we totally wore formal there because it's too hassling to bring clothes to change, and we were totally suagu there because i never knew how to play a Wii before. like seriously, the person had to help me zzz
She is bowling~
Overall a very fun day, cant wait to hang out with her again!
Adding some photos during the Celebration of Learning (COL) where it was super awesome with my friends~ I think Nadirah and I were the only excited ones! Yeah yeah we were so hyper that day cos we didnt see each other for a long time~
With Eunice, Weiling, Nadirah!
Shilin! (She won that speaker!!!)
Another Nadirah!
Me & 2 nadirahsssss
June! she didn't attend the graduation ceremony awwwwww :(
Yeah me and my favourite teacher - Mr Chan!
Okay that's all for now~ I'm still on leave till next monday, I feel so sad abandoning Rebacca though, miss that girl loads!