Met Cherelle and Candy at orchard to hang out last week, roamed around and ended the night after a 3 hour dinner at suki suhi and a long chat :D
Started work from thursday onwards. I thought it would be quite slack like usual but NO! work is shitloads and yeah, mum wasn't joking when she said she needed help in the office.
LOOK @ THIS! I spent the whole day sorting it out with sis for the salary thing zzz
It was worse okay! the pile looks so much better after sorting it out! zzzzzzzzzzzzz
been learning how to use quickbook, another kinda software for accounting. hate it la zz
met sunny during saturday! woke up at 10am with sis to do lunchbox for him but hmm dammit quite fail lo. the alphabets potato thingy were actually soft kind! i thought it was like french fries kind zzz so the alphabets all kena destroyed! had a good laugh actually and had to bribe bicky into helping us cook the chicken by driving LW to pp during a rainy day LOLL
anyway watched Alice in Wonderland at the cathay and it was sorta having a cosplay event thingy as cosplays were everywhere! roamed around and played fingertwister at starbucks before the show! First time at the grand cathay cinema it is damn big!!!!!
show was nice :D haha and i figured out halfway that the voice of the blue caterpillar, Absolem is actually the Alan Rickman, the actor who played snape! just googled it and i was right! damn im good :) btw the cheshire cat was damn cute!
ended the night with dinner @ compass as well as a runny-nose sunny.
spent my lovely sunday (today) going to christina's house in the afternoon to make sushi! we got a bit crazy halfway and ended up doing alot of funny stuff such as an onigiri face LOL and some other giri.. LOL and it was good my family ate it all up :D
chris claimed that the onigiri with the red band looked like a character in the movie Juno. LOL
headed to her room for chit chat, gossip and disturbing nike LOL. her cat is so cute la so chubby!!!! had a great day :)
anyway just tore down the hamper given during CNY and decided to have fun with the decos!
LOL so cute!