Mole says hi.
Anyway this is what you get for staying inside the room all day. You get a blog post and a photo of my mole and half of my face.
mole quite big hor.. i didn't have it initially it just grew lor. my mother said it was bad as it meant a lot of responsibility i have to carry in future so wanted me to remove it. dad went to consult someone and said since it's nearer to the neck than the shoulder it is a good thing.. something like
锦上添花. as in the 锦 becomes 颈项 the "颈". 颈项 means neck btw.
okayyy.. enough info about nancy here.. (yes i named my mole nancy! i name a lot of stuff nancy)
stayed in the room today cos sis's friends came over, and i was too shy and self-conscious to say hello, cos too many people already! haha but i went out eventually to eat dinner and help them take group photos.
right now it's a bored me + oily hair + wind blowing my hair. and im bored. spent almost the whole day surfing the net and alternating between facebook and twitter. addicted to twitter already! didn't feel that twitter was much of a deal initially but now im totally hooked.
LW's friends reminds me of my usual gang. we do the same thing - we take group photos and eat steamboat for 2-3 hours! then we go to study room to watch tv + movies.
anyway kudos for cherelle for helping me with the SIP form thing. i seriously dunno where she gets it from! THANKS LOADS XOXOXOXOXO
oh yeah i got too bored cooped up in my room i turned to homework! one more left YAY this is how i spent my weekends -.-
now im just waiting for 2230 to happen so i can watch ghost whisperer. by then i hope bicks is back from pp so someone will watch with me. then i also wish HL will really come back with the pantyhose i requested for for my EBSK module.
btw i like sterling knight! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHHA he's quite the charmer in SWAC. Demi Lovato's funny too i must say this is my favourite disney channel show! HM is now second best.
sounds very lame.. im a 19 year old teen and i watch disney channel. nothing wrong with that in my opinion. i watch phineas and ferb too. i like doofenzmirtz (sp?).
okay im insanely bored. imma go bath soonish. soonish i meant not so soon. AHAHAH
PS: yay happy 26th months. woot time passes so darn quickly!
PS/S: btw one of the plants sunny gave to me sorta died.. but i quickly sort of 'fixed' it and put it outside. bicks says there's more sunlight this way cos she bragged that all her plants outside damn healthy. & looking at the lovely aloe veras outside, i reckon she's right.