anyway, FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY met up with sunny yall! the last time i met him was a week and a half ago, when me sunny derald and sis went to LW's chamber concert. which was fab btw. lol i was chatting non stop and whooping around. WHOOP WHOOP
seriouslyyyyyyyyyyy i was really happy today! sad tho, wanted to get a ride home from tedric cos i didn't thought sunny would end so early! mwahahaha! btw got a ride home from lilin this week and it's incredibly happy and satisfying to know that you got home so early instead of painstakingly waiting for the bus to come like once in 10 minutes!
since i slept only for like 2 hours plus the night before, i totally conked out after reaching home and slept for 5 hours! so now im like WIDE AWAKE and i have this huge crave for jap food that imma satisfy tomorrow, hopefully :D
for now, photos photos photos of a tired looking but a happy me! seriously hols must repair my face and hair lor during exams vanity is just thrown out the window.
anyway just watched 5 episodes of ANTM cycle 14 and I HATE IT! so bitchy there is NO ONE i like and i know the winner already thanks to those recommended videos shown at the side of the web. GAH.
gonna watch one episode of SWAC and ko!