Love this photo best, depicts sorta our personalities? haha :D
the whole day was like eat toilet eat toilet! weishan joined us later at night for dinner. wanted to watch movies at first but it was almost all sold out. settle at long john's for dinner and chat till it closed! mwahaha power!
anyway im awfully packed next week but still dying to go overseas somehow. hmm never mind. am going for a short 'get-away' tomorrow? its gonna be fun and im quite excited!
anw my laptop died on me like seriously! the motherboard is like spoilt lor and it's damn sad cos i got a lot of stuff inside! sian my collection of 800+ songs on itunes and my photos and my school stuff sian sia thats what you get for having no backup! argh i feel so behind on new songs!
i hope to get a new laptop soon? that would be nice :D
btw hl bought a 2nd hand keyboard for quite a cheap price so i have been hanging out with it today, sitting there and just doing playing nothing and thinking. i can do it for like straight 2 hours.
okay gotta go. cya peeps! i'll try to update this space more :D