poor weishan fell on her way here and ended up scraping both her knees! had to do some clean up for her but everything worked out fine! also got to see other old friends like yvonne! I last saw her 6 months ago, excluding the coincidental meeting at popeyes punngol! not to mention that my dogs are very happy as always, ESPECIALLY happy who like to sit on our poker cards when playing blackjack or big2!!!!!!
thanks for coming sunny candy yvonne weishan jim cheeming weizhong junming christina queenie tedric & gf! hope i didnt leave out anybody~
as you can see im much more free now so able to blog! but i cant say for the next few weeks because exams are comingggggggggggggggggg! :(
anyway its time for uni admissions... which means its literally time to grow up and move on to another phase of life. hate thinking what i'll do next and its so hard to accept that we are moving one step closer to working life. i just cant imagine holding so much responsibility when i become a young adult. i don't see myself like that, being a working professional ew that just sounds wrong.
but nevertheless, i guess such is life. so i'll just have to hold on tight and see how it goes :)
PS: Oooooh bte happy valentines' day everybody!!!!!! me and sunny are just gonna go eat roti prata for dinner YUM!!!!!