Monday, November 19, 2012


Time. I am always very interested and marveled by the concept of Time. It exists everywhere, all the time. But the relativity of it is different according to different people, things, situations.

A minute can be perceived differently; a droning 60 seconds during a mundane lesson, or a critical moment during a life and death situation. Isn't it so interesting when the concept of time changes according to one's emotions or perception of situation?

I love talking about it with my sisters, discussing it, watching related movies (Back to the future etc). During my internship where i had spare capacity I googled about it - Grandfather/Time Paradoxes, how to go back in time, relativity of time - All the quantum physics stuff. I love to read about it but unfortunately I am definitely not an expert on it.

Time slips by, and every second is never the same as the next. Everyone knows that we have to cherish what we have lah blah blah but how many people actually LOOK and REALISE how apparent it is around us everyday? Looking at a very critical POV would shock you and make you in awe at the same time.

In a very broad perspective, no one ever realises the change Time brings to us until we look at it retrospectively in our lives.

Time is something given and we have to accept. I feel that it is the ultimate commodity. To ourselves at least. (Etc 'Are you willing to do XXXX in exchange of XXX years/months of your time?)

I think the most amazing thing about it is that you never know when your Time ends. It feels infinite in your youth, ending in your old age. Time gives you restriction yet freedom within. Wow.

I asked myself today 'What do you want to do for the rest of your life?'

I'm not sure, but I know that I'd rather spend my time thinking about it and doing it right than to waste my life doing something stupid.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

There was a pair of sunglasses in my study table so..

Sorry for the narcissism....
Okay scratch that I'm not sorry at all lol! What cannot meh.