THIS IS STUPID. Lemme tell you why. When i REACHED the dentists', i was ACTUALLY INFORMED that THE DENTIST WENT ON LEAVE. OF ALL DAYS, IT CHOSE THE DAY WHERE I CAN FINALLY GET THAT BRACES REMOVED!?!!?!? I guess this is fated. Im fated to get stuck with braces ALL MY LIFE. GRRRR.
Ok. Yesterday, we went to the zoo. before the trip, i borrowed Princess Diaries: Sixsational from my friends and Kelly's CD. [ PROJECT SUPERSTAR AND WEILIAN WON! YEAH!! ] In the zoo, we saw tremendous number of animals, including baboons, monkeys, white tiger, and others. They were VERY CUTE. The puzzling thing is that Benson actually associated Mrs Liew with the baboons, in which my opinion that the Baboons are cuter. LOL. [ Don mind me, Mrs Liew ] Back to the school, i ACTUALLY GOT LIBRARY DUTY. GOD. AS IF HAVING STUCK WITH BRACES IS NOT BAD ENOUGH.