Thursday, March 27, 2014


(inserts random selfie lol idc it's my blog I can do what I want here)

It's nice to come back here after a while.. the thought of starting afresh after possibly being forgotten. 

I'm starting to appreciate honesty.. some may deliver it to you in the most annoying asshole(!) way, but the kindness in their eyes make all the bad things suddenly seem better.

I don't know how things will go from here, but I think I'm okay with not knowing for once. I don't want to catch up with Time anymore. I'm just gonna engulf myself in Uncertainty; who knows where it will take me.

For now, ill let broken things remain broken. Time will fix it for me; day by day, present by present. 

Sunday, March 09, 2014

The Last Goodbye

Can't quite see the end 
How can I rely on my heart if I break it with my own two hands? 
I heard all you said and I love you to death 
I heard all you said 
don't say anything