Okayyyyyyyyyyyy, so no photos this time round. Pardon me eh, photos still pending, and pending and pending.
You know the commercial seen on channel 5 and 8? The one which mediacorp advertises to encourage advertisers to advertise in their channels? the one with glenn ong? THE SHAKING OF HEAD LIKE AN INDIAN ONE? ALAMAK! It's so funny, I and my sisters were laughing and talking about it in msn during MBS!
Sorry eh chinese version, english lyrics not so funny!
Went back to Subway with candy and von, so IRRITATED man. But I am okay now. It's just so disappointing and annoying!
I suddenly agree with eric's msn nick even though i didn't at first. OMG I AM REALLY TURNING 18 soon walao and i still feel like a kid.
sian i can feel the pressure coming already, SIX PROJECTS PLUS MID SEM TESTS 2 WEEKS LATER and i am slacking whole day! you know the feeling that you have urgent things to attend to but just too lazy? no? you suck then LOL
hopefully yoga can sooooothe my nerves. :D
oh ya i pon-ned psychology tutorial today with cherelle and my project mates joshua and fiona today so we could do our psycho project, due date is like next week srsly. but we finished it fast :D
oh ya my purpose of blogging this was to do Hassay's quiz, happy now not walao.
Rules & Regulations:
1. Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself.
2. People get tagged need to write a blog of their own 10 weird things/habits/little facts as well as state this rule clearly
3. At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names
1. When i was a kid with short mushroom hair, i used to imagine having long hair by putting STOCKINGS on my head with my sister! we would panic when someone knocks on the door because my ah ma doesn't like it and will scold!
2. I used to really have a hot fiery temper and super cry-baby when i was small but unfortunately it toned down like a lot when i grew up.
3. i DO NOT LIKE cracking of toes and fingers.
4. when i was small i have this fungus hongkong foot dieases at my feet WHICH IS SMELLY but i of course recovered lah. i told NO ONE about this last time because i was afraid that no one wanna be my friend but i got used to not telling so no one really knew. i was afraid to go to people's house and i am very sensitive about my feet. okay maybe now still a lil. first time to cherelle's house freaked the nerves out of me because socks - OFF
5. when i was hospitalised last time in kk hospital, they made me sleep inside a COT like wth when they ran out of beds or something. FOR like 4 HOURS MIND YOU. Worse thing is i found it comfy.
6. 1/4 malaysian? (tired of hearing this i know but i seriously cannot think of anything)
7. OHOH i used to owe 3 remote control cars and would kope ALL the batteries in the house just to operate them eg, remote control batteries.
8. when i was still in my mother's womb my mother went for a scan and the doctor said i was a male. it's either i am really a male or my finger was in the way. oops.
9. i used to be really REALLY lady-like okay!!!! stop laughing noobs.
10. my dog pee-ed and shit on me when i was sleeping before. stupid bobby.
OKAY DONE!!! i think most of you dunno some of these or maybe i said but you all don't remember. :D
please do please do if you happen to read this post of mine because i really really wanna see yours! :D:D:D:D
off to bed. nights :D