Anyway, let's just skip all that negativity and just enjoy this post! Nune came to Singapore with her sister for a tour, and we met up at Chomp Chomp for supper/dinner! Such a pity tho, I had stomachache and it was pretty bad, hence I didn't get to see her off at the airport. Oh well, there's always a next time! Last thing she said: 'I'll see you when I see you!'

I think it's quite comforting for the fact that my friends and I still remain in contact with Nune despite having her studying overseas and all. Thanks Yvonne + Candy for the effort!
The other day, I accompanied Sunny for his site visit near Buona Vista, as he needed to take photos around that area! Again, it was scorching hot at first but it ended up raining. Again. Really when we go out, you can almost expect rain around 80% of the time and we'll just blame each other LOL
Anyway the site was basically just an empty plot of land with wild grasses and trees! He also took me to the old railway track that was once used by Singapore.
It was quite scary tho, because it was the beginning of the 7th month and there was a deserted sorta hut there and completed with the whole old railway track look, it was just plain scary! I wonder why they didn't remove the hut or something..

eeek Sunny's glasses are dark cos of that special lens.. thingy.
Woohoo btw went to school with June today and had dinner with Candy at Tampines. Haven't met her for such a long time and well had a girl/ heart-to-heart talk. I love talks like this! Overall such a happy day in addition to miss-horrible adding my points wakakakakaka
Okay one thing to do after exams is to go shopping. Haven't done that for quite some time and my clothes are repeating but i just act ignorant about it. And so should you. Okay byeeeeeee