Thursday, August 26, 2010

I'm done with myself

Feeling shitty and upset.
It's like when you struggle; to voice out or to make a stand, no one listens. Heck it, nobody even knows you are feeling that way.
So what now? Either all of them are being terribly insensitive or you are an incredible loser with no presence and worse of all, you are not heard.

just wish that someone would just read between those lines and tell me what I feel.
what is this feeling of... despair. anger. sad?
don't even know anymore.

it's funny how these small little things just lead to another with tremendous compounding effect until you get so upset not by that single little thing anymore, but the reactions you get from people.

just feel very shortchanged for my entire 19 years suddenly.

I don't blame anyone. if it's someone, it's me. ME ME ME. I'm just berating myself for being dumb.

Is it just the late night or is it me feeling more alone than ever?