Yes, exams are OVER like finally! i don't really feel the sense of liberation tho, maybe because I didn't put in much effort? Anyway I am just glad it's overrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, and I really have to thank June for helping me with my subjects throughout the semester break! It's really awesome to have a study buddy who don't mind you pestering her haha so im glad :)
bad thing tho, I have 6 days till the first day of SIP. feeling tingly by the thought of this, it's so scary how time passes! I have 6 days to buy clothes and do a lot of stuff and 6 days deffo isn't enough! Oh well.. Its always so much to do and so little time.
anyway went out with Nadirah after exams! went to have lunch at tampines mall and checked out the newly opened hershey's chocolate shop! saw the biggest chocolate bar in the whole and it was so heavy i almost dropped it! went to marina square and even tho it was short, i had fun :)
anw i have photos to show, taken today! I figured that this blog needed some graphics!
forgive me for not being photogenic lah!!!!
awesumzxzx yeah! I have more to post but we ended up having fun squashing each other out of the camera that this is the most appropriate photo! okay its the first photo we took out of like 50++
hmm, all i need now is to meet sunny! can't meet him today and the last time we met is god-knows-when!!!!!! :(