Felt like visiting my little personal space here, haven't had the time to blog since self-defined mugging period started. There's only 18% in this laptop now so maybe I'll just make this a quick one?
I feel like DYING this whole exam period man; I can safely say that this. is. my. slackiest. period. ever!!!!!!!! Seriously sometimes my actions just totally freak me out as to how last minute I can be. Normally when it comes to exams Im totally well-planned and all but this time everything just turns out so... WEIRD. I keep disappointing myself and doing less and the worse thing is, I can still feel so composed at times these days.
Ackkkk and the worse thing is, if you ever tried telling it to anyone that you slack, prolly 99% of the people wont believe you. They might prolly just scoff and think that Im a closet mugger! But seriously in comparison Im doing wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy less. zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Tuesday's tax test and I didn't even TOUCH tax today at all. What's wrong with me? Can't resist Iphone games, twitter, and most of all.... THE TV!!! My eyes are totally glued on that screen. Doesn't help if we have so much channels either! If you look at my twitter Im always tweeting proudly what shows im watching lor zzzzzzzzzzzzz and the only way for me to NOT watch tv is when bicky watches the Filipino channel. WALAO EHZXZXZXZXZ
Okay this is gonna be my last post till exams are over (14 sept). Till then, Ciaos :)