Aw man, this stinks. Im being cooped up in this very room for lyk , 12 HOURS now. with my face glued to the computer. I must be a huge computer addict. I had fixed up my sis and my profile, and of course, my blog. It seems to be forever and taking a very very very long time. I now chatting with my friends. OH YA. I am going to ACTUALLY know the results of my examination on WEDNESDAY. OH, TIME FLIES. Im so damn nervous about my test. Especially MATHEMATICS,HISTORY,LITERATURE. Aww man .. lemme pass. LOL. " will 4 bucks change your mind?" LOL. Justin's quote. I hope to get good results. HOPE. Or improve a tinsy insy eenie weeny bit will do. Im satisfied easily. =) I eastimate a 60+ in my history, literature and maths, which to me, the theme is: " HELP! IM DETORIATING AT A FAST RATE!" And if it gets worse, I'll probably um, don't know, DIE? LOL. IDIOTIC me. Laughing at my own joke. LAME. Im POOPED.
PS: Hurray! I get to go out tommorrow! Yahoo! =P [See? Im satisfied easily.]