Yes.. currently life is. It's getting quite boring ever since school started.
right now im lonely.. LW's got chamber camp and HL's out dating. I took a 4 hour nap today so not gonna sleep so early.
Maybe will go out alone to run some errands and buy formal stuff for EBSK. it's too late to ask anyone now anyway and there's a 50% chance that i will most prolly stay at home instead.
anw i HATE THIS YEAR'S LECTURE NOTES! we have to print them instead of buying and bringing those loose papers to bind every week is such a troublesome thing and papers are flying everywhere now! i wish i had lilin's binder. HAHA like seriously. don't they sell stuff like bind puncher. thats so fang bian la i wish somebody FASTER invent them. and printing so many stuff in the lab is really damn mafan i don't want to talk about the FRS we have to print sooner or later.
anyway thanks to tiantian today in the biz lab. the computer refuses to log me in what is wrong manzxzxzxz.
argh im so bored. it's so quiet now i can only hear the music from MTV and the blowing fan. no one's talking/ranting to me :( and my phone isn't receiving any texts i guess sunny's asleep. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO for BOREDOM + LONLINESS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT