Well, did nothing but rot in the past few days. Rented the "Harry Potter and The goblet of fire" movie and watched it. ROCKS. So anyway, one wish
AHH. Damn. Holidays are going to end. I still have loads of homeworks to complete! Plus, there is lame social studies homework added last minute. SUCKS SUCKS. That lame E maths TYS, I spent half of my time drawing like hell, but I am NOT able to complete even one question. Teacher never teach before lor. WHO CAN HELP ME! I thought seven graph only leh, but BWAHAHAHA. Take a look at the question carefully. Each question must draw TWO graphs, and is freaking the hell out of me. ARGH!
ok, let me simmer down and look at my damn stupid lame homework list;
Homework List
-50+ questions for Add Maths.
-7 graphs for E maths.
-2 sets of a maths homework for term 1 AND 3.
-Chemistry TYS.
-2 sets of english homework; compo and
-chinese Worksheet
-Social studies; SBQ and structured essay.
Oh ya, so far, my record time for waking up late - 3.30pm.