Bored, stuck at home today. Well, gave up using the computer. Internet just seems more boring, and lame.
Went to watch an Chinese Opera show, sponsored by my father every year. We had to go of course, and it seems bored to me, as the shows always repeats yearly and I have no idea what they were talking about. This years', however, is different.
It was quite funny, and it wasn't repeated. It was a opera consisting of Taiwan and Singapore people. It was noisy, but hilarious. The commentor also went "OH MY GOD" when some actor farted purposely, in that show. Everyone laughed. But other than the part, the rest was pure boring.
Their costumes of course, were shiny, and nice. I admired their hair, especially. But it was so noisy, I thought I was about to go deaf. Bwahahha.
I shall start on my homework, tomorrow.
Great, now I have flu, AND cough. Grrr..
Homework List
- 50+ questions for Add Maths.
- 5 graphs for E maths.
-2 sets of maths homework for term 1 AND 3.
-2 sets of a maths homework for term 1 AND 3.
-Chemistry TYS
-Chemistry Paper.
-2 sets of Georgraphy.
-2 sets of english homework; compo and compre.
Hope I'll be able to cross some out tomorrow!
PS: Changed my layout, obviously.