PE rocked today! We played lame captains' ball, but it was FUN! Our group won, but I admit that it was unfair. Our group had more skilled players and they are sporty. The group who lost had to be punished by singing "Peel banana", lead by Yih Rue. GOOD GAME GUYS!
Maybe because of the lack of people joining Punggol Idol, each class had to submit four. I GOT SABO-ED!! PHEW! I protested like hell and Miss Wong DID NOT put my name in the end! YAY! The rest who went in were Sherman, Sunny, HweeYon,Eric and maybe Joey. HweeYon suggested a boyband. J3. Lols. But he kept asking me to join afterwards. So funny, but I said NO anyway. (:
Went for library meeting at Mdm Yap's homeroom, and learnt how to use the library loan programme, we were told to wait for Mrs Cheong as she was having a meeting. The girls (us) went to play volleyball outside the hall, meanwhile waiting for her. There was the racial harmony rehersal going on. We watched a while and played crap volleyball, where our skills sucked for today but we were laughing and joking like hell throughout. Went to the library to fix the new IKEA stuff we bought. WeiZhong insisted opening ALL the stuff and we were laughing like hell by his behavior. He was laughing himself also. Took some pictures.
1st shot;

Cherelle saw the pic and said;
Cherelle: Ahh, so ugly! My hands so long! Take another one!
So we took another ..
2nd shot;

Cherelle: See? This one nicer!
Huiyin: Ya lor, let's show Candy!
*Shows Candy*
Candy: Ok lah, but no difference from normal, try taking it like this. *Takes pic of herself*
Huiyin: Ya hor! Nicer leh! *Shifts over next to Cherelle to take picture.
Thus, the final product. TADA!!
God Im lame.