Today was quite... a sad day, and a happy day! LOLS. Contradicting myself.
Well, it was a depressing morning and I was quite angry, because we received some VERY BAD NEWS. Some students did an act that even ADULTS do not dare to do, and the culprits are probably the FIRST FEW in Singapore to do such an act. The school found the long kind of Singapore flags being CUT into half. ALL EIGHT of them, and they were lying outside the school pavement. Even WORSE, the NATIONAL STATE FLAG is found on the toilet, and one was at the urinal, and it was PEE-ED ON! I am SO ANGRY and the culprits are still unfound. What a sad morning.
Anyway, received our little "treat" from Mr Cheong for winning the bet. He saw Xiaxue's blog, and joked, saying that he also want to write the blog so he can be named; "the most pervertic guy". He was kidding, of course.
After school, we went for Peer Tutoring .. NOT!! When we went into the library, Ernest, Zeliang, Cheeming, Briget, Vanessa, Nune, YihRue, Christina, Yvonne. HAHA. SO MANY PEOPLE! We ended up talking and laughing, taking photos, and Nune fell off the sofa! She is SO funny!
When we went home, ShiJing and Mabel were singing a duet. Quite nice! It's just for fun, not Punggol Idol audtions, I think. The audtions should be tomorrow.
Gotta go, I need to mug for my Add maths test, Chapter 9, FUNCTIONS! =X