Sunday, August 03, 2008

5th month!

and the list goes on and on and on and on..
(supposed to be yesterday, haha :D)

Spent the day out and ended up late, which wasn't a very good thing..
Caught Step Up 2 at Starbucks and it was fab!
whipped cream = not my favouite, too sweet!

Watched Money no Enough 2. Very funny, I laughed until I cried! HAHA :D

Yvonne IM me just now, makes me feel quite touched, since we haven't been seeing each other lately. Blog post don't mean I am not fine, LOL. I am VERY fine, thank you yvonne :D

Projects due on thursday and still not completed. Panic attack! I actually cannot wait for holidays to come!

Nothing to say..

PS: Trouble is part of your life–if you don’t share it, you don’t give the person who loves you a chance to love you enough.

Another quote! Okay off to do my homework :D