Friday, August 15, 2008



Lol okay random, finally get to blog because i am currently taking a break from all that mugging for my CSA exams tomorrow, i hope i can get an A overall! I am having this weird poundin in my head and I feel so deprived of sleep! Sleeping less than 10 hours per day to me is now torture due to my late classes. 5 hours in 2 days = Pure Evil!

I have so many pictures, so many things to talk about but i guess i'll just post them all at one go after my exams. It's just so nice to catch up with all your friends! Well, most of them.

I guess I am getting used to poly. =D

I love my new class jersey! It's so big and comfy and RED!

Okay shall go back to study soon!
Hope everything turns out well! =D