Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Well, Im currently posting at 11.o9 PM. I am usually asleep like a pig at this hour but I took a FREAKISHLY FOUR hour nap, so here I am. [What a pig]

BOOS. I did not run my 2.4km today. The guys were running today. I and other girls took the timing. Cherelle and I went near the "farm", where there are loads of plants. I shrieked when I got there, probably because there was a loooooooooooooong trail of ants. Man, it gives me the creeps. We decided not to tell the boys about it, so as not to interrupt their timing.

So the 2.4 km started. The boys, along with some girls, charged like elephants. So by the end of 1 round, quite a number of ants were dead. [Yay!] Meanwhile, silly and nothing-to-do students studying in the 2nd floor was throwing bits of papers at us. Fortunately, their aiming was like shit and without the need to dodge, they missed badly. I hate those kind of people. Remind me to throw them a pile of shit next time. x))

2.4 ended with the guys running 5 rounds, and the fastest was of course, Sherman, with the timing of 8 minutes plus. Pro sia! =DD

Stopping here. Nothing to say. BOO.