Sunday, April 02, 2006



The Campus Superstar winner is .... *drumrolls*

ZHIYANG!!! *Woots*

I actually expected him to win, although I support both him and Teresa. But both win better. Yay!

Yup, bad news for me, I will NOT be attending school tomorrow. *Sighs* I have dental checkup at eleven, and it would be very lame to only attend 2 hours of lessons in school. Well, I will have plenty of time to mug for Chemistry test tomorrow, seeing as I slacked alot today. Bad thing tho, my Add maths is going to die. Missing even ONE lesson of Mdm Yap's means Doom with a capital D. I will have ALOT to catch up on. eee. FREEDOM. Yippee!!

PS: I am telling you, frogs scares me off. I will definitely shriek and make everyone else around me if I see a frog. Oh ya, the glasses will break too. Too high a frequency. =P