Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Everything today was BRUTAL. B-R-U-T-A-L. Seriously, talk to my hand, I don't really have the mood for anything now. Probably my stupid cursed earring did all this. Bah, I don't know. Talk to my hand.

Help my friends for their re-test for 2.4km run today. BaoXing failed again. NVM. GOGOGO. i'll help her next week. She tried REALLY hard.

Class test. Brutal; but I guess I'll survive.

Chinese; BRUTAL; my chinese results suck. I have no idea what Im doing and I AM going to work hard. Grr~ Yin Yang. LOLS.

Free period for TWO hours of Physics. It was BRUTAL. I was bored like hell, talking talking to Mr Quek's puppet like nobody's business. POO. Talked in the lab about stories and Jokes. BRUTAL.

English; INTRUDER - ZuoPeng came into our class, bcoz Shamugam away, relief teacher came. LOLs. We did lame compre.

Then this idiotic matter has to happen and stress me again. Im feeling damn guilty, and no mood for anything else. Grr~ I think it's my fault. *Sigh* TTM stink. Is it so wrong to play with water? We are just destressing ourselves after a VERY HARD Georg test. Eric is right; he is depriving us of childhood.

Just hope everyone is alright, can't imagine the consequences.

After all that, everything is BRUTAL. Not going to entertain questions.