Monday, March 20, 2006

Today is such a weird day.

Yeah. Weird day today. We received news today that we have to bring clothes that we would wear to orchard. Heh. I have no idea what clothes to pick to bring. My friends wanted to bring PE-shirt, but I was like, NO WAY. You don't wear PE shirts to orchard, except when you go there after school of course. But on a weekend or holiday? ABSOLUTELY NOT. No way.

During English period today, Eric, bought my embarrassing 6-2 photo to the class. Yeah, I have curtain hair and I don't care. Heh. Eric used to be obese and looks neck-less, bur yeah, it's the past already. Another suckish thing happened; for tomorrow's test, we are supposed to do an exposition essay. Eww. My exposition essay sucks. LOADS. I have GOT to work hard.

Oh my, it's so damn late, I guess I got to retire early.